
【China AIDS:5238】 Voices of Youth Consultation - for South East Asia and Pacific

Please note deadline for application submission is April 11th

Eligible Countries:
Only persons living in the Pacific including PNG, South East Asia ie Greater Mekong Region (Lao, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, China)
Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong are eligible to apply.


Call for Applications

Voices of Youth Consultation - for South East Asia and Pacific

Funded by HIVOS with co-ordination provided by World AIDS Campaign, logistical support provided by Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV APN+, International Treatment Preparedness Coalition and UNAIDS Regional Support Team Bangkok.

Date of meeting: May 12 � 14, 2010

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Objectives of the consultation:

Create a safe environment for a focused consultation with young (aged between 16 and 25) Men who have sex with Men (MSM) including young transgender (TG) from the region to articulate their concerns and unmet needs in relation to their sexual health, STI and HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.

Develop a mechanism for MSM TG youth participation in regional networks and to ensure their meaningful participation in those processes

Ensure that the rights of MSM and TG youth (MSMY) within the region are upheld.

Identify key campaigning and advocacy issues that can be supported by regional and international MSM and TG networks and key organizations.

Create networking opportunities within the region and establish meaningful partnerships with like minded organizations.

Who can Apply?

Anyone within the age of 16 to 25 who self identifies as MSM or TG and residing within South East Asia and the Pacific and has a strong interest in working with your community to advocate on issues that affect you are eligible to apply. You must have a strong commitment to working as a team player and demonstrate a way to share the outcomes and findings of the consultation with your community when you return home.

How to Apply?

The application form can be downloaded from the following weblink: http://youngmsmtg.blogspot.com to be completed IN FULL and submitted to the organisers by email to youthconsultation@gmail.com

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS April 19th. All costs will associated by the consultation will be met by the organizers.

For further information or ANY questions please email to: youthconsultation@gmail.com

Download Application:


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