
【China AIDS:4776】 香港同志遊行2009急需籌募$100,000製作費

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  倒數 日! more days to go!
Let's count down to our big days! $100,000 production fee is desperately needed for the 2009 Hong Kong Pride Parade!

11月1日香港同志遊行進入最後 日倒數,今年的主題是「驕傲做自己,同志愛出來」相信大家和我們一樣,感到既興奮又緊張。所有籌備項目正全速進行,製作費用緊掘,現在緊急需要你的支持!
Let's count down our days to the most exciting 2009 Hong Kong Pride Parade! The theme for this year is "Be Proud ! Be Yourself !". We believe you are as eager and excited as we are. All preparations are on the way, in high gear. However, as production fee is tight, we desperately need your full support. Your kind donation would definitely make the event bright and glitter.
為何要籌款?Why do we need to raise fund?
All of the costs of the Hong Kong Pride Parade are from donations only without receiving any form of sponsorship from the Government or funder. Further, all members of the organizing committee work on voluntary basis. We only have one short-term contract (2-month) part-time assistant to handle tons of work around the clock.
為何需要$100,000製作費?Why $100,000 production fee is needed?
Last year, 1,000 people joined the parade. As we have moved ahead our publicity and promotional agenda and increased our collaborating partners, we foresee there is an estimation of 2,000 people joining the parade this year. Increase in the participants brings substantial increase in the production costs and other expenditures.
製作費預算如下:The breakdown of the production costs is as follows:
記者會開支 Press conference
宣傳及印刷品設計製作 Production of publicity and promotional materials
網頁編寫寄存 Webpage production and hosting
三款紀念品製作 Production of souvenirs (3 kinds)  
秘書處開支 Costs for running the office
起點終點舞台音響 Setting up of audio equipment at the starting and final points
遊行及場地保險 Insurance for the Pride Parade and parade venues
遊行運輸及雜費 Transportations and handling fees
起點終點場地佈置 Set ups at the starting and final points
其他雜項開支 Miscellaneous
如果用剩了錢,你們如何處理?If there were any donation left, how will the committee handle it?
Every single penny that we raise is precious to us. All money left will directly be used for the Pride Parade next year.
如何捐款?How to donate?
捐款請存入以下戶口: Please bank in your contributions to our bank account:
戶口 A/C number:289-539272-001(恆生銀行)(Hang Seng Bank)
戶口名稱 A/C name:香港女同盟會 Women Coalition of HKSAR
捐款後請電郵至info@hkpride. net寫下姓名、在鳴謝名單上可刊登的名字及捐款數目,以作紀錄。
Please email us at info@hkpride. net with the donated amount, your name for internal record and a publishable name for acknowledgement.
捐款可以免稅嗎?Is the donation tax-deductable?
As the Hong Kong Pride Parade organizing committee is not a registered charitable organization, donation to the Pride Parade is not tax-deductable.
可以給我發收據嗎?Can you issue a receipt for my donation?
Yes. If you would like to have a receipt for your donation, please tell us and state your name and your mailing address in your email.
僅代表香港同志遊行2009籌委會,衷心感謝大家對「香港同志遊行」的支持。 如有任何查詢,歡迎電郵info@hkpride. net
On behalf of the 2009 Hong Kong Pride Parade Organizing Committee, I gratefully and wholeheartedly thank for your generous support. For enquiries, please email to: info@hkpride. net.
Connie Chan
Chief Director, Hong Kong Pride Parade Committee 2009

大會網站 Official website: http://hkpride. net

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