中国健康行动 2011年6月18日发布
1、 编辑和维护"中国健康行动"机构网站和博客;
2、 通过邮件组、博客、推特、微博等发布机构信息;
3、 通过邮件组、博客、推特、微博等收集中国公共卫生及其人权问题的信息;
4、 翻译"中国健康行动"组织的各项声明和材料;
5、 编辑和维护"中国健康行动"视频博客;
6、 代表"中国健康行动"组织在各地参加社会活动、会议等;
7、 参与机构志愿者的招募和管理;
8、 参与机构项目开发和管理事务。
1、 中国各地;
2、 世界各地;
3、 互联网世界。
1、 关心中国公共卫生及其人权问题;
2、 对中国公共卫生及其人权问题的利益相关人员有同情心和尊重;
3、 非评判的工作态度;
4、 熟悉中文和一门中文之外的其他语音;
5、 熟练使用互联网络和新媒体;
6、 承诺每月为中国健康行动组织服务至少10个小时;
7、 接受中国健康行动的管理制度。
1、 一份加入"中国健康行动"的书面申请信,500字内,说明自己希望加入中国健康行动的想法、工作设想、可以为中国公共卫生和人权工作能够做的具体工作;
2、 个人简历;
3、 两封推荐信;
4、 承诺保护工作中接触到的个人隐私信息;
5、 承诺不得有政治、宗教、宗族/民族、性别、性倾向、性别认同、年龄、健康、阶层歧视。
"China health action" call for recruiting volunteers
China's Health Action June 17, 2011 release
China Health action is a non-governmental organization registered in Washington, concerned about China's public health and related human rights issues, including HIV/AIDS, mental health, food and drug safety, rights of people with disabilities, rights protection of sexual minority, medical care and public health of prisoners, etc.
1. edit and maintain "China health action" organization's Web site and blog;
2. publish organization's information through mailing lists, blog, Twitter, microblogging and other channels;
3. collect information on public health and human rights in China through mailing lists, blog, Twitter, microblogging and other;
4. translation of "China Health Action" statements and materials;
5. edit and maintain the "China Health Action" video blog;
6. participate in various social activities and meetings for "China Health Action" organization;
7. participate in volunteer recruitment and management of the organization;
8. involved in project development and management.
1. different parts of China;
2. around the world;
3. the Internet world.
Registration Time: June 20, 2011-July 31
Registration Email: chinahealthaction@gmail.com
Registration twitter: @healthactioncn
Application requirements:
1. concerned about China's public health and human rights issues;
2. Concerned about China's public health and human rights stakeholders in compassion and respect;
3. non-judgmental attitude towards work;
4. Use Chinese and another language;
5. skilled use of the Internet and new media;
6. at least 10 hours monthly commitment for China Action Health services;
7. accept the policy and management of the China Health Action.
Applicants need to submit the following materials:
1. a written application letter, 500 words, indicating their wish to join the China Health Action, personal understanding of China's public health and human rights issues and work;
2. Applicant's personal resume;
3. 2 reference letters;
4. committed to the protection of personal privacy in access to information;
5. Commitment of no discrimination in political, religious, ethnic / national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, health, class or other status.