编记:开这个blog是源于我看了china aids 讨论组里面关于中国AIDS救助工作中的很多内容后,感觉自己可以做点小事,就是把讨论组中的内容广而告之,让更多的国人了解AIDS在中国的现状及趋势。
★中国艾滋病网络/China AIDS Group http://www.chinaaidsgroup.org ★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum http://www.aidsmuseum.cn ★艾博维客 AIDS Wiki http://www.aidswiki.cn ★艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.aidsrights.net ★常坤:为艾滋病防治努力一生 Http://www.changkun.org
★中国艾滋病网络/China AIDS Group http://www.chinaaidsgroup.org ★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum http://www.aidsmuseum.cn ★艾博维客 AIDS Wiki http://www.aidswiki.cn ★艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.aidsrights.net ★常坤:为艾滋病防治努力一生 Http://www.changkun.org
★中国艾滋病网络/China AIDS Group http://www.chinaaidsgroup.org ★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum http://www.aidsmuseum.cn ★艾博维客 AIDS Wiki http://www.aidswiki.cn ★艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.aidsrights.net ★常坤:为艾滋病防治努力一生 Http://www.changkun.org
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Yuhua, Fan<FanY@unaids.org> Date: 2009/4/17 Subject: FW: Important: UNITAID and Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Joint Press Release of 2-Line ARV Drug Price Reduction (通告:联合援助计划与克林顿艾滋病行动联合发布抗艾二线药品及儿童药物降价协议) To:
From: Li Ma [mailto:li.ma@clintonfoundation.org] Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 9:28 AM To: Yuhua, Fan Subject: Important: UNITAID and Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Joint Press Release of 2-Line ARV Drug Price Reduction (通告:联合援助计划与克林顿艾滋病行动联合发布抗艾二线药品及儿童药物降价协议)
Dear All,
We are excited to inform you that UNITAID and the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI) today announced new agreements with generic manufacturers that significantly reduce the price of key pediatric and second-line antiretroviral medicines (ARVs) used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. These prices are available to UNITAID funded projects as well as CHAI's Procurement Consortium, of which China is a member.
We have attached a few documents to provide more information on these agreements:
- Memo briefly describing the UNITAID and CHAI efforts (Chinese and English)
- Official press release (English)
- Document with frequently asked questions and their responses (English)
- CHAI ARV price list (English/French/Spanish/Portuguese)
Please note that China's unique patent and registration landscape means that some of the products and/or prices in the attached list may not be accessible in China at the moment.
Please see the attached for further details and don't hesitate to be in touch with any questions.
★中国艾滋病网络/China AIDS Group http://www.chinaaidsgroup.org ★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum http://www.aidsmuseum.cn ★艾博维客 AIDS Wiki http://www.aidswiki.cn ★艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.aidsrights.net ★常坤:为艾滋病防治努力一生 Http://www.changkun.org
★中国艾滋病网络/China AIDS Group http://www.chinaaidsgroup.org ★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum http://www.aidsmuseum.cn ★艾博维客 AIDS Wiki http://www.aidswiki.cn ★艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.aidsrights.net ★常坤:为艾滋病防治努力一生 Http://www.changkun.org
★中国艾滋病网络/China AIDS Group http://www.chinaaidsgroup.org ★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum http://www.aidsmuseum.cn ★艾博维客 AIDS Wiki http://www.aidswiki.cn ★艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.aidsrights.net ★常坤:为艾滋病防治努力一生 Http://www.changkun.org
★中国艾滋病网络/China AIDS Group http://www.chinaaidsgroup.org ★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum http://www.aidsmuseum.cn ★艾博维客 AIDS Wiki http://www.aidswiki.cn ★艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.aidsrights.net ★常坤:为艾滋病防治努力一生 Http://www.changkun.org
★中国艾滋病网络/China AIDS Group http://www.chinaaidsgroup.org ★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum http://www.aidsmuseum.cn ★艾博维客 AIDS Wiki http://www.aidswiki.cn ★艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.aidsrights.net ★常坤:为艾滋病防治努力一生 Http://www.changkun.org
★中国艾滋病网络/China AIDS Group http://www.chinaaidsgroup.org ★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum http://www.aidsmuseum.cn ★艾博维客 AIDS Wiki http://www.aidswiki.cn ★艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.aidsrights.net ★常坤:为艾滋病防治努力一生 Http://www.changkun.org
Welcome to the week six of the e-Dialogue on universal access!
This will be the last theme of the e-Dialogue!
Topic 6: The future role of UNAIDS in a changing global environment
This has been a very interesting journey and we are pleased to have seen such enthusiasm and the high quality of comments and inputs throughout the weeks from people all around and passionate about making a difference for the HIV response.
Please note that we will keep the e-Dialogue running for an additional week, until the 18th of April, to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to have their voice heard! Your inputs are valuable to us, as we have been hearing loud and clear some key issues that UNAIDS needs to address quickly in order to scale up the HIV response, especially related to stigma and discrimination and capacitating civil society and community groups to lead the response.
As you know, all your inputs will be summed up into a final report available by 1st May, and submitted to Michel Sidibé, which will be extensively drawn upon in the upcoming Leadership Agenda for the UNAIDS Executive Director. So please continue participating!
This week's topic relates specifically to UNAIDS, the Secretariat and family of co-sponsors, on its role and effectiveness, especially in the context of the financial crisis and shrinking resources for the HIV response.
1)What are the comparative advantages of the UNAIDS secretariat and cosponsors, as a joint program of the UN on HIV and AIDS? What should be its core priorities and what should be dropped? 2)How can UNAIDS help in voicing the needs of countries and communities and use its convening power to merge the global agenda on HIV and AIDS with country realities? What do you think UNAIDS should be doing more at the country-level with governments and civil society? 3)How can we create a culture of common purpose, where all partners in countries are working towards the same goals? 4)How can UNAIDS help in sustaining scale up towards Universal Access in the current financial crisis? What innovative strategies should be pursued to sustain/increase domestic funding?
★中国艾滋病网络/China AIDS Group http://www.chinaaidsgroup.org ★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum http://www.aidsmuseum.cn ★艾博维客 AIDS Wiki http://www.aidswiki.cn ★艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.aidsrights.net ★常坤:为艾滋病防治努力一生 Http://www.changkun.org