From: Mauro Guarinieri <>
Date: Tue, May 4, 2010 at 4:47 AM
Subject: ITPC Technical Review Panel (TRP) Recruitment for 2010-2012 is launched! [4 Attachments]
Proposals Update XIV 4 May 2010 *TRP Recruitment*
Technical Review Panel (TRP) Recruitment for 2010-2012 is launched!
The call for applications to recruit experts for the TRP opens today, 4 May 2010.
In this regard, we would like to solicit your support to encourage suitable candidates to apply by forwarding the attached Application Form to your contacts. Alternatively, you may invite possible candidates to download the application form from the website of HLSP, the agency handling this recruitment:
Please find attached a copy of the advert in English (the advert is available in the other UN languages on the recruitment page of the TRP section of our website).
The completed application forms (not CVs) should be sent directly to to arrive no later than Monday, 31st May 2010.
Applications sent directly to the Secretariat will not be considered.
Who should apply?
The expertise of the TRP is spread across HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, and health systems and cross-cutting disciplines. The recruitment of “experts” in very specialist areas is avoided. This is because it is important that the membership of the TRP is drawn from people who have a broad understanding of the diseases, programming at country level and key issues that impact implementation capacity.
Recruitment decisions will be based on several selection criteria (attached to this e-mail) and will also seek to ensure that TRP membership:
(a) is representative of a wide array of expertise, both scientific and programmatic, with a preference for individuals with extensive program experience;
(b) reflects geographically diverse experiences and include persons who work or have worked with a broad range of organizations in both developing and developed countries;
(c) includes a balance of expertise in HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria prevention, care and treatment, as well as cross-cutting and health systems areas applicable to program implementation in resource-poor settings. These should include community systems strengthening, value for money and specific expertise on the differential impact of the three diseases and appropriate programmatic interventions for women and men, as well as for key affected populations, including injecting drug users, men who have sex with men, transgender communities, sex workers, migrants and prisoners;
(d) includes persons with extensive experience in the role of civil society/private sector in the field of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and/or malaria; and
(e) is geographically and ethnically diverse, with balanced male and female representation and meaningful representation of people living with and/or affected by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and/or malaria.
Please note:
TRP members are subject to the Policy on Ethics and Conflict of Interest for Global Fund Institutions. In addition, the Terms of Reference of the TRP specifies situations when a conflict of interest may arise.
While serving on the TRP and for one year after completing their services on the TRP, TRP members are not allowed to assist countries in their applications to the Global Fund, and are not allowed to participate in a CCM or other coordinating mechanism.
How should interested candidates apply?
Candidates must complete the application form and send it to HLSP ( by Monday, 31st May 2010. Successful applicants will be contacted by the end of August.
For more information
You can visit the TRP section of our website ( or contact
Attachment(s) from Mauro Guarinieri
4 of 4 File(s)
Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst
P.O. Box 20839
New York, NY 10009
Tel: +1-718-514-2855
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