
【China AIDS:5454】 Briefing on upcoming UNAIDS board meeting by NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS Board [2 Attachments]

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Dear friends and colleagues,


The upcoming UNAIDS Board meeting (Programme Coordinating Board or PCB), is taking place June 22-24 in Geneva.  As we prepare for the meeting, the PCB NGO Delegation would like to convene a call with those of you in wider civil society to brief you on the main agenda items, share with you some of our talking points and to receive your feedback to inform our strategy for the meeting.


The board meeting will include the following agenda items:

- The NGO Delegation’s annual report to the board;

-Ensuring non-discrimination in responses to HIV;

-Reducing HIV transmission among men who have sex with men and transgender people;

-A progress report on the implementation of the “UNAIDS Action Framework: Addressing Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV”; and

-Follow up to the Second Independent Evaluation of UNAIDS. 


The call will take place Thursday, JUNE 10th at 2 PM CEST (Geneva, Amsterdam).


The dial-in numbers are attached here with dial-in information below.


Please RSVP to Natalie Siniora at pcbcf.nsiniora@gmail.com by June 9th to participate in the call.


Dial-in Information

To dial in to the call, please use the telephone number in your country in the attached. When prompted, dial *805216* to enter the meeting. If your country is not listed and you have access to Skype, please dial in toll free by using the USA number and when prompted, dial *805216* to enter the meeting. If neither applies to you, please email Natalie Siniora for further options at pcbcf.nsiniora@gmail.com.


For those of you attending the 26th Programme Coordinating Board meeting in June, the NGO Delegation will host a CIVIL SOCIETY PRE-MEETING on Monday, June 21st from 2 to 4 pm at WHO (across from UNAIDS). Please join us.


Visit the NGO Delegation’s Website for updated information around the upcoming PCB Meeting and more. www.pcbngo.org


With kind regards,


On behalf of the UNAIDS PCB NGO Delegation


Natalie Siniora


Natalie Siniora
Communications Facility


Tel: +31 20 616 9045
Fax: +31 20 612 9880
Mob:+31 65 082 4625


I am living my rights.
World AIDS Day 2009-2010
Universal Access and Human Rights


Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst
P.O. Box 20839
New York, NY 10009
Tel: +1-718-514-2855

★杯葛比尔与梅林达盖茨基金会在中国 Boycott Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in China https://sites.google.com/site/boycottgatesfoundation/
★纪念雷诺舟在华工作 http://blog.sina.com.cn/leinuozhou
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