
【China AIDS:5790】 S African NGOs letter about Tian Xi

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From: Nathan Geffen <nathangeffen@gmail.com
<mailto:Nathan%20Geffen%20%3cnathangeffen@gmail.com%3e> >
To: reception@chinese
<mailto:reception@chinese%e2%80%90embassy.org.za> �embassy.org.za
Subject: Letter to Chinese ambassador to South Africa
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 15:45:07 +0200

Dear Sir/Madam

Please find attached a letter to the Ambassador Zhong Jianhu. We have
also faxed it to the Chinese embassy.

The letter refers to an attachment, the TAC electronic newsletter. It
is copied below.

Nathan Geffen
TAC Treasurer
Cell: +27 84 542 6322

Chinese HIV positive activist Tian Xi to go on trial on trumped up charges

Call for the dropping of charges and his immediate release

On September 21st 2010 Chinese activist Tian Xi will go on trial in
Henan Province charged with "suspicion of intentional destruction to
property." Tian Xi is 23 years old. He is HIV positive and was
infected with HIV as a child as a result of a blood transfusion at the
time when thousands of people in Henan and other provinces were
infected with HIV through state-sponsored blood selling programs in
the 1990s. In an unprecedented action, activists from across China
will attend Tian Xi's trial to express solidarity with him.

For the last five years Tian Xi has been campaigning for compensation
for himself and others, as well as for the Chinese government to admit
its culpability in the blood scandal and hold those directly
responsible to account. Tian Xi's crusade has drawn the ire of the
Chinese authorities and he has been frequently harassed and detained.
However, he has never been charged before and we fear that his trial
will be used to put him out of sight for a number of years as has
happened with other outspoken human rights activists such as Hu Jia,
currently still in prison after nearly three years.

The charge of "suspicion of intentional destruction to property"
arises because Tian Xi appears to have been lured back to Henan with
an official offer of trying to resolve his complaints. However when he
got there he was refused meetings and in a fit of anger broke several
minor objects in a hospital office where he had gone to meet the
hospital director and collect his ARV medicine.

Tian Xi and other activists' frustration arises from the fact that
Henan provincial courts refuse to accept any lawsuits relating to HIV,
leaving victims of the disaster with no recourse except petitioning.
In Chinese tradition, in a case of no other recourse, citizens may
bring complaints against local officials to higher-ranking government
offices. However, only a tiny percentage of these petitions ever
receive a favorable response, and many petitioners, including Tian Xi,
have been detained and tortured in what are known as "black jails".

Although the Chinese authorities say that he is being charged on
ordinary criminal grounds - "suspicion of intentional destruction of
property" � it is obvious from the circumstances surrounding this
case, Tian Xi's communications with various organisations, and the
documents he obtained from township officials ordering his detention,
that he was arrested because of his ongoing and persistent HIV/AIDS
petitioning, not because of the hospital incident.

The Treatment Action Campaign calls on UNAIDS and civil society
organisations worldwide to monitor the trial of Tian Xi and to issue
statements calling for his immediate release. We call for UNAIDS
executive director, Michel Sidibe, to urgently intervene to secure
Tian Xi's release.

We call on civil society organisations in South Africa to write
letters of protest to the Chinese Ambassador, Zhong Jianhua at:

225 Athlone street,
Fax: 012 342 4244

We call on the Chinese government to respect the human rights of
campaigners for justice in China and for the South African government
to raise this issue formally with the Chinese government because it is
a violation of human rights and contrary to the Constitutional
principles that govern South Africa's international relations with
countries that are our political and economic partners.

For further information contact: Nathan Geffen at 084 542 6322

Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst


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