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Dear Friends,
After much to'ing and fro'ing, with encouragement from many of the people who are on this list, and, I hasten to add, with Rick's blessing, I have set up a new listserv on civil society in China. It is the hope of the organizers (note that CUA is only the host institution -- I/we do not "own" the list) that we will attract a broad range of people, including not only lawyers, social scientists, and journalists, but also historians, sociologists, and gradute students (incl law students). With the increasing number of dissertations and honors theses being written about civil society subjects, this may be a welcome opening for students to raise issues in a forum including people they would not otherwise have access to.
So, please do subscribe if you are interested and pass subscription information on to people who you think might want to join. It is an open list, and welcomes all. To subscribe, please follow the instructions at the bottom of this message. BTW, this has already been posted ot China law and the response has been huge. Rules of the list will be posted next week.
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* In body type, "subscribe chinacivilsoc subscriber's first name and last name" (without the quotation marks)
Karla W. Simon
Professor of Law
Director of Faculty Development
Columbus School of Law
Catholic University of America
+1 202.262.7155 (U. S. mobile)
西 门 雅
法 学 教 授
+ 86 134 3994 4423 (Chinese mobile)