From: Cheick Tidiane TALL <>
Date: Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 6:34 AM
Subject: ITPC Call for applications [2 Attachments]
To: ITPC <>
Dear all,
Please find below and enclosed the call for applications to join the Developing Country NGO Delegation to the GFATM board of directors.
Sorry for cross posting
CALL FOR NEW MEMBERS / December 2010
Delegation of Developing Country NGO's to the Board of
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM)
The Developing Country NGOs Delegation to the Global Fund Board is seeking additional individuals to be part of the delegation, beginning in February 2011. The Delegation members who are selected will serve a minimum of two years.
Delegation's Mission Statement
The Developing Country NGO Delegation represents the diverse NGO / CBO response from the global south when it comes to AIDS, TB and Malaria on the GFATM Board.
Based on the knowledge and experience of NGOs and CBOs and their constituencies, this delegation aims to contribute to and influence Global Fund policies and practices to be continually and appropriately responsive to the needs of those affected by AIDS, TB and Malaria and of implementing NGOs / CBOs themselves. One of the defining features of this approach is the unique ability to bring the perspectives of both recipients and implementers to the GFATM processes.
The delegations objectives are to:
- Represent the perspectives of Developing Country NGO's on the GFATM Board in a strategic and consultative manner.
- Inform and positively influence the governance processes of the Global Fund to better integrate non-governmental and community based efforts to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria into national and international responses.
A Board Member, along with an Alternate Board Member and a Communications Focal Point, leads the delegation. In addition to these three, seven other delegates attend board meetings, based on individual disease expertise, regional and gender representation / balance, and the demands of the board meeting agenda. These seven are chosen from a larger delegation group, to which nominations are now being invited. A full delegation would eventually number about 40 people globally.
The CLOSING DATE for nominations is January 15th, 2011. It will not be possible to consider applications received past this date.
Please send all applications with all required documents as detailed in the annex to:
Annex to Call for New Members / December 2010
Application Process
Developing Country NGO Delegation & the Global Fund Board
A Selection Committee set up by the delegation is currently soliciting nominations for individuals representing NGO's and CBO's from the global south to the Developing Country NGO Delegation:
Regional Representation:
As part of a rolling replenishment mechanism, this call for nominations seeks to fill in the vacant positions of regional representatives and to specifically fill two new seats created specifically for young people 25 years of age and younger.
The delegation has a maximum of 10 representatives each from Africa, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean and Asia / Pacific.
Terms of Reference (ToR):
The role of the Delegation member is to support the Board Member and the Alternate Board member on issues related to the Global Fund and to bring to the Board the concerns and voices of the civil society community from developing countries worldwide.
The role of the Delegation member is that of a volunteer—there is no payment for participating. Travel and per diem costs to attend Board meetings and other committee meetings are covered by funds raised by the Delegation leadership and there is no guarantee of attendance at all Board meetings or attendance of all the delegation members at all meetings. Travel will be economy class and will be based on available funding.
Being involved with the Global Fund board delegation can demand between 10% and 25% of a full-time equivalent, and this requires an explicit written commitment from the prospective delegation member's organization.
(A) Board Functions
The Delegation members will support the Board member to perform the following functions:
1. Set policies and strategies for the Fund, in line with the agreed Purpose, Principles and Scope.
2. Set operational guidelines, work plans and budgets for the Secretariat and Technical Policy and Program Support.
3. Make funding decisions.
4. Establish a framework for monitoring and periodic independent evaluation of performance and financial accountability of activities supported by the Fund.
5. Represent the views of the various constituencies.
6. Represent and voice the needs of in developing Country NGOs
7. Coordinate with outside agencies.
8. Advocate for the Fund, and mobilize resources.
9. Participate on committees and working groups of the Board.
The Delegation members will:
1. Help to achieve greater and more effective Global Fund impact in the Developing Country NGOs' Duties (during and in-between Board meetings);
2. Attend GF Board and regional meetings and help secure funding to attend the same;
3. Be a watchdog of GF operations at country level;
4. Participate in Developing Country NGOs and Board working groups;
5. Advocate and mobilize resources for the fund;
6. Develop strategic alliances with partners in the delegate's country and region and at Board level;
7. Be a conduit and liaise with NGOs and communities at country and regional level;
8. Participate in monitoring and periodic evaluation of performance of GF;
9. Fully prepare for GF Board meetings including reading, summarizing and preparing Board pre-meeting documents, attending 1-2 day Board pre-meetings, and follow up after Board meeting;
10. Attend an annual retreat;
11. Respond promptly to issues as arise between Board meetings;
12. Stay up to date on technical and policy issues related to the 3 diseases and their impact on NGOs;
13. Consult communication focal points and others in country, in region or sub-region;
14. Maintain close communication with the Delegation's Board member, Alternate, Communication Focal Point and other delegation members through regular email messages and phone calls between the Board meetings;
15. Disseminate information on Global Fund in line with the Developing countries NGOs ' Delegation's internal/external communications strategy.
(B) Mandate and working methods for delegation members.
1. Participate fully in all meetings of the Board (study all relevant documents in order to provide input in the decision-making process);
2. Participate in teleconferences and other virtual means of communications among Board members, the NGO community, networks and with the other NGO Board members;
3. Advocate for the participation of community representatives in the design, implementation and evaluation of all policies and programs at all levels of the Fund;
4. Provide input into equitable and appropriate allocation of resources;
5. Maintain a focus on issues of importance to the community and NGO movements (e.g. Document highlighting NGO input to the Fund);
6. Seek input from the community on key issues related to relevant documents;
7. Consult with and report to the broader community of NGOs and CBOs and people and communities living with or affected by HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis before and after Board meetings;
8. Appoint NGO delegation advisors.
(C) Qualifications and criteria for selection
Based on the Board functions, including representing the various constituencies (developed and developing country contexts, and from people living with a disease), the selection of the Delegation members should take the following criteria into consideration:
1. Possess an understanding of the scope of work of the Global Fund and opportunities it presents;
2. Ability to strengthen the Board's understanding of NGO / CBO and civil society issues in Developing Countries;
3. Experience and ability to assume responsibility to carry out the tasks as described in the role of the Board;
4. Represent issues related to NGO involvement in HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria;
5. Have minimum 5 years of experience in front-line NGO work in 1 or more of the 3 disease areas, preferably with governance processes in their own organizations;
6. Ability and capacity to communicate and network effectively and broadly (must have functioning communications linkages such as Internet, telephone, fax, computer and email);
7. Ability to act within a team setting;
8. Be gender sensitive;
9. Possess diplomatic and strategic political skills including capacity to think and work strategically;
10. Must demonstrate ability to work in written and spoken English (additional languages are greatly desired);
11. Linkage to an organization that can facilitate communication and liaison and provide consultation and support;
12. Explicit assurance from employer regarding availability of up to 25% of working time for Global Fund related duties.
13. Current delegation members are free to apply.
(D) Length of term
The length of terms for the newly selected Developing Country NGOs Delegation Members is two years and is renewable, based on an assessment process convened by the Board member and alternate.
(E) Cessation of Appointment
An NGO Delegation Board member will cease to be a Member if:
· He/she resigns
· He/she is unable to perform the agreed upon tasks;
· He/she is unable to work with the other Delegation Members as part of a team; and,
· If a conflict of interest is declared.
(F) Application Process – Please Read Carefully
Nominated individuals to the Global Fund Board delegation need to prepare and submit a 4-page application (only the first 4 pages in the application will be considered) that covers the following:
· Name, contact information, age, organizational affiliation and communities served, short Curriculum Vitae (CV) outlining experience (maximum 2 pages)
· Short Narrative outlining your understanding of the Global Fund and the vision for its future; your NGO and community linkages in terms of relevant experience (particularly in southern and developing countries); and the most significant capabilities you would bring to the Global Board that address the specified criteria. (maximum 2 pages)
Attached to the 4-page application you must include:
· 1 page letter of reference from your own organization, or closest affiliated organization, agreeing to the additional travel and workload;
· 1 page letter of reference from a relevant organization other than your own;
· 1 page letter of support from a regional network/NGO outside country of residence.
The CLOSING DATE for nominations is January 15th, 2010
Please send all applications with all required documents to:
Dr Cheick Tidiane Tall
Communication Focal Point
Developing Country NGO Delegation to the GF Board
Executive Director
African Council of AIDS Service Organizations (AfriCASO)
9513, Sacre Cœur 3 Dakar, Senegal, PoBOx: 28366 Medina
Tel: +221 33 859 3939 ; Fax: +221 33 867 3534
Promoting and facilitating community response to hiv in Africa
Attachment(s) from Cheick Tidiane TALL
2 of 2 File(s)
★Archives for UNAIDS CCC
★China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly (CYHAA) 共享网盘:
"China AIDS Group中国艾滋病网络"
C:Contact: Chang Kun 13349108944
★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum:
——艾博维客 AIDS Wiki :
——China AIDS Email Group with over 2400 members:
——中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:
——艾滋人权 AIDS Rights:
★ 凡是挑釁、謾罵、非理性、過於情緒性、胡亂批評和無意義之言論,或是匿名人士之言論,以及所發表意見出現有不雅、粗鄙之文字等,本郵件組將不予以顯示!