
【China AIDS:6674】 Fwd: [APNSW] Global Commission on HIV/LAW

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: cheryl overs <cherylovers@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:03 PM
Subject: [APNSW] Global Commission on HIV/LAW
To: nswp-members@lists.nswp.org, apnsw@lists.nswp.org
Cc: Jenny Butler <butler@unfpa.org>

Dear Colleagues,

The Global Commission on HIV and Law has issued a Specialist Call for Submissions on the Commission website. This is the place for expressing global or general issues. It is available at


PLRI will make a Specialist Submission about the impact on sex workers of HIV treatment as prevention and will support a submission on HIV positive sex workers. I hope a submission on migrant sex workers is made too.
The Commission is a very important opportunity for the UN to recommendat that governments fully decriminalise and recognise sex work.  In my view, the Commission will certainly recommend that same sex relations be fully decriminalised but  sex work is in doubt because of concerns around trafficking and exploitation. So the more they hear from sex worker groups the better.

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or support in making your points to the Commission.

All the best,

Cheryl Overs

Technical Advisory Group of the Global Commission on HIV and LAW.

“Do not be a perpetrator, do not be a victim and above all, do not be a bystander.” Yehuda Bauer

Michael Kirby Centre for Public Health and Human Rights.
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