
【China AIDS:7337】 Fwd: 中国和东南亚IDU NGO 可以申请5万美金

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ele Morrison <EleM@aivl.org.au>
Date: Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 12:59 AM
Subject: [ANPUD:3873] 3 x $5000 grants in 7 countries
To: "anpud@googlegroups.com" <anpud@googlegroups.com>
Cc: Faye Irwin <FayeI@aivl.org.au>

Dear all,


AIVL is giving 3 organisations $5000 to support drug user organisations in Asia. Due to new funding rules at AusAID, drug user organisations in 7 countries or the Asia region are eligible.


If you and your organisation are interested in getting $5000 to develop an activity or program to benefit people who use drugs in your community, please look at the attached form. You are eligible if:


  1. you are a peer-based drug user organisation or can demonstrate appropriate involvement of people who use drugs in your organisation, including as staff;
  2. your organisation is in Vietnam, China, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR or Timor Leste or is a regional organisation;
  3. you have an idea for an activity/program for drug users in your organisation or community; and
  4. you could use $5000 AUD to undertake the work. 


We are very sorry to those who don’t live and work in eligible countries. We wish we could make this open to all.


Please contact me, Faye Irwin or AIVL’s Operations Manager (see Proposal) if you have any questions about the proposal. We look forward to receiving applications no later than Friday June 22, 2012.




Ele Morrison

International Program Manager

Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL)


Email: elem@aivl.org.au

Phone: +612 62791600

Fax: +612 62791610

Mobile: 0433 940433

Website: www.aivl.org.au



GPO Box 1552

Canberra ACT 2601



AIVL Address:

Level 2, Sydney Building

112-116 Alinga Street

Canberra ACT 2600



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