
【China AIDS:5183】 Fwd: ITPC Take Action Now: Be involved! Be heard! - Country Progress reports to be submitted to UNAIDS by March 31, 2010

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From: Mary Ann Torres <maryannt@icaso.org>
Date: Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 3:11 PM
Subject: ITPC Take Action Now: Be involved! Be heard! - Country Progress reports to be submitted to UNAIDS by March 31, 2010


Please distribute widely


Prepared by the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO)

Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS

Take Action Now: Be involved! Be heard!

Country Progress reports to be submitted to UNAIDS by March 31, 2010


March 2010


The process to review and report on progress on the implementation of the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS is underway. Countries need to send their progress reports to UNAIDS by March 31, 2010.


It is imperative that community groups start their engagement now, if they have not already done so.


The process to review progress on the implementation of the DoC is an opportunity to measure the effectiveness of national AIDS responses. Community sector groups, and particularly key populations, are often not adequately involved, or are excluded altogether.


Check with your National AIDS Authority where they are in the review and reporting process and get involved.


There are 5 key actions that community sector groups can take now to ensure meaningful involvement in all aspects of the 2010 UNGASS review and reporting process:


  1. Mobilize your community sector colleagues
  2. Request that UNAIDS facilitate an inclusive and participatory process among all stakeholders
  3. Review all relevant documents
  4. Contact the National AIDS Program and ask how they have involved or plan to involve the community sector in the reporting process
  5. Share all the information you find about these processes and the outcomes with community partner


Read the full Advocacy Alert at http://www.icaso.org/publications/2010/aa_2010ungass.pdf


Contact ICASO at universalaccess2010@icaso.org for more information and to share your experiences





Mary Ann Torres | Senior Policy Advisor

International Council of AIDS Service Organizations



Mobilizing and supporting diverse community organizations to build an effective response to HIV and AIDS.


www.icaso.org | www.aids2010community.org | www.csactionteam.org 
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Office: +1 416 921 0018 ext. 16 | Mobile: +1 416 419 6338 | Fax: +1 416 921 9979
Email: maryannt@icaso.org   |
Skype: maryannicaso




Recent Activity:


Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst
P.O. Box 20839
New York, NY 10009
Tel: +1-718-514-2855

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——艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.AIDSrights.net
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