如閣下未能閱讀此電郵,請到 http://hkpride. net If you have any difficulties in viewing this email, please visit http://hkpride. net  | 驕傲做自己!同志愛出來! Be Proud ! Be Yourself ! | 2009年11月1日第二屆香港同志遊行 昂然起步 The 2nd Hong Kong Pride Parade on November 1st, 2009. Be Proud and March! | |  | 「驕傲」是一種態度,代表自信、勇氣、光榮、愉快、昂首闊步、精神抖擻、無人可阻! | "Be Proud" is an attitude. It represents self-confidence, courage, honour, and joy. It means striding with assurance, with energy and full gear!
| 「做自己」是一種生活方向,不分年齡、種族、膚色、語言、性別及性傾向。 | "Be yourself" is a living direction, and cannot be isolated by age, race, colour, language, gender and sexual orientation. | | 承接去年首屆1,000人走出來的震撼力量,2009年「第二屆香港同志遊行」將大聲呼籲全港的同志、喜愛同志的你,參加今年11月1日以「驕傲做自己」為主題的街頭派對。擁抱每個驕傲的自己,同心熱情地填滿香港,站出來赴約,這個一年一次的約定。 | Gathering the tremendous impact of 1,000 people joining the first march, the 2nd Hong Kong Pride Parade 2009 calls for support from all walks of life, be you a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or a LGBT-friendly friend, to celebrate the "Be Proud Be Yourself" Parade on November 1st. Stand up, hug yourself with pride, fill up the warmest passion in our community. Join Us, join this once-in-a-year engagement. | | 同志們,Let's Party! Let's Party, Tongzhis! | - 想做返自己 wanna be your true self?
- 想愛就去愛 wanna love for love's sake only?
- 唔想再收收埋埋 don't wanna hide anymore?
- 唔想再做男人 don't wanna be a guy?
- 唔想再做女人 don't wanna be a gal?
- 唔想扮正經 don't wanna be dull?
| 同志們,要妖、要型、要靚、要勁、要人見人愛車見車載、要性感嫵媚大條道理,今日你妳將是主角,由灣仔至中環的街道,將變身成為我們的街頭大派對舞場。 | Hey, Tongzhi! Come! Be bewitching, be gorgeous, be cool, be superb! Come and be worshipped! Come and be the new Cleopatra or the new diva! You are the hero and heroine! The stage is waiting! Let's turn the Parade route from Wanchai to Central to be the greatest public party in Hong Kong. | 第二屆香港同志遊行 日期:2009年11月1日 時間:下午2時30分 路線:灣仔修頓球場 --> 中環遮打花園 電郵:info@hkpride. net | | The 2nd Hong Kong Pride Parade Date: 1 November, 2009Time: 2:30 p.m. Parade Route: Southorn Playground, Wanchai --> Chater Garden, Central Email: info@hkpride. net | | | |
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