
【China AIDS:4723】 写支持信给联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)



联合国教科文组织(The United Nation's Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,UNESCO)连同联合国诸多机构正在开发"国际性教育指南:一个有效的基于证据和知情的性、关系和艾滋病教育的方法",是一个综合的开展性教育的工具。一些右翼组织试图干涉这些好的政策和项目。美国性知识和性教育委员会(SIECUS)给联合国教科文组织总干事Koïchiro Matsuura先生起草了一封信,参见附件和下列网址:http://d.yimg.com/kq/groups/1398467/1610985214/name/Letter%20of%20Support%20-%20UNESCO.doc








Dear Colleagues,

in collaboration with many UN agencies and civil society experts, has developed International Guidelines on Sexuality Education: An Evidence Informed Approach to Effective Sex, Relationships, and HIV/STI Education, a comprehensive tool to support the implementation of sexuality education.  As many of you are no doubt already aware, several right-wing organizations seeking to interfere with the development of sound programs and policies to ensure sexual and reproductive health and rights have been agitating and promoting misinformation about the process behind the development and implementation of this tool. SIECUS has sent a letter of support to the Director-General of UNESCO, Mr , for their work in developing this instrument, which is copied below. 

UNESCO needs to hear from supportive voices.  Please consider sending similar letters of support to UNESCO for the International Guidelines on Sexuality Education and thank them for their continued leadership within the UN system on this project.

This is needed immediately and letters can be sent via e-mail to Mark Richmond at m.richmond@unesco.org with a copy to the e-mail address c.castle@unesco.org

Thank you!

Bill and Ariana

Attachment(s) from Scott Long

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★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum: http://www.AIDSmuseum.cn
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——中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:http://www.AIDSmaps.org
——艾滋人权 AIDS Rights:  http://www.AIDSrights.net

