
【China AIDS:4738】 邀请您参加国际艾滋病与住房圆桌会议(International AIDS Housing Roundtable)

邀请您参加国际艾滋病与住房圆桌会议(International AIDS Housing Roundtable)




    我名叫Lauren Nussbaum——我是全国艾滋病与住房联盟(National AIDS Housing Coalition,NAHC)的新任项目伙伴(Program Associate)。我们的任务是促进为我们的社会中的HIV/AIDS感染者和其他弱势群体开发、管理和发展合理的住房选择。我还促成了国际艾滋病与住房圆桌会议(IAHR),这是全国艾滋病与住房联盟的一个项目,旨在创造和培育全球艾滋病与住房共同体。


    国际艾滋病与住房圆桌会议正在开始计划2010年七月在奥地利维也纳召开的2010年艾滋病大会(AIDS 2010 Conference)上的住房会议。我们为此次会议设置的目标建立在国际艾滋病与住房圆桌会议在2008年的墨西哥城大会上成功地使住房问题为人所知(新闻报导见此)的基础之上。我们计划分享认可和实施我们的《贫困、住房不安定与HIV/AIDS国际宣言》(International Declaration on Poverty, Housing Instability and HIV/AIDS)的成功故事,并且吸引HIV/AIDS感染者、研究者、政策制订者和全球抗击HIV/AIDS领域的盟友和活动家参加积极、多种方式的活动,以便强调文化上适当、充足的住房是一种HIV预防和护理措施。








Lauren Nussbaum

Program Associate

National AIDS Housing Coalition

727 15th Street, NW Suite 210

Washington, DC 20005

p 202.347.0333

f 202.347-3411




Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 1:49 AM
Subject: ITPC Invitation to Join the International AIDS Housing Roundtable

Dear Health, Housing and HIV/AIDS Colleagues and Friends,

My name is Lauren Nussbaum -- I am the new Program Associate for the National AIDS Housing Coalition (NAHC). Our mission is to advance the development, management and growth of sound housing options for persons living with HIV/AIDS and other vulnerable populations in our communities. I also facilitate the International AIDS Housing Roundtable (IAHR), a NAHC project to create and foster a global AIDS housing community.

IAHR is a moderated listserv that serves as a forum
for discussion of issues pertaining to housing instability and HIV and the provision of appropriate housing for people living with HIV and AIDS.  It is intended to promote international dialogue toward the development and implementation of public policies that recognize the critical role of adequate, culturally appropriate housing both in the prevention of HIV transmission and in the care of people who are living with HIV and AIDS.


IAHR is beginning to plan its Housing meeting at the AIDS 2010 Conference in Vienna, Austria in July 2010. Our goal for this meeting is to build on IAHR's success in making housing a visible issue at the 2008 Mexico City Conference (see a news report here). We plan to share success stories of the recognition and implementation of our International Declaration on Poverty, Housing Instability and HIV/AIDS and engage people living with HIV/AIDS, researchers, policy makers, allies and activists in the global struggle against HIV/AIDS in an aggressive, multi-model campaign to highlight culturally appropriate, adequate housing as an HIV prevention and care intervention.

I am writing to invite you to join IAHR to contribute to the planning of this meeting. We are looking to expand our global representation at AIDS 2010, so if you have colleagues from regions that so far are not very represented, please invite them to subscribe to our listserv and join our planning process as well.


In addition to planning our Housing meeting in Vienna, our long-term goal is to build a contact list and community of researchers, providers, policy makers, and advocates focusing on the interactions between poverty, housing instability, and HIV/AIDS. Please feel free to write me with any questions about IAHR, NAHC, or our International Declaration. You can also visit our facebook page: just login and search for "National AIDS Housing Coalition."

Our next conference call is this Monday, September 14th at 5pm EST (2pm Pacific, 11am Hawaii, 11pm South Africa, 9pm Ghana, 5am Beijing, 7am Sydney) and is open to everyone.

US call-in number: 1-866-394-9509; Passcode: 6053693#
International call-in number: 01-847-619-2419; Passcode: 6053693#


I hope to see you at the Roundtable,

Lauren Nussbaum
Program Associate
National AIDS Housing Coalition
727 15th Street, NW Suite 210
Washington, DC 20005
p 202.347.0333
f 202.347-3411




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