
【China AIDS:4815】 亚洲吸毒者联合起来,建立区域组织









    Jimmy Dorabjee是亚洲毒品使用者网络发展过程中重要的指导者,他解释了亚洲毒品使用者网络的存在理由:"在亚洲各国,吸毒者都受到歧视,被认为是罪犯,并且受到虐待。我们的人权受到侵犯,在能够让我们活下去的医疗保健服务方面,我们得到的很少。如果政府看不见吸毒者,听不到我们的声音,也不跟我们交谈,他们就会继续忽视我们。"


    联合国艾滋病规划署区域支持小组(UNAIDS Regional Support Team)主任普拉萨达·拉奥(Prasada Rao)博士谈到急需与吸毒者网络合作,并且向亚洲毒品使用者网络提供了支持,他说:"对联合国艾滋病规划署来说,吸毒者中的HIV预防工作是全球重点项目。我很高兴今天能够来到这里看到亚洲毒品使用者网络形成组织,它将会在亚洲HIV应对工作中扮演重要角色。重要的是我们能够更加有效地把亚洲吸毒者的声音带到在整个亚洲扩大HIV预防服务的工作中。"

    2009年12月31日之前,亚洲毒品使用者网络将正式登记为一个组织。同时将批准章程和管理文件。还将组成一个六名代表的临时指导委员会,马来西亚的Mohamad Firdaus (Apit)、柬埔寨的Bun Bong、尼泊尔的Ekta Thapa Mahat、印度尼西亚的Hadi Yusfian、缅甸的Myo Kyaw Lynn (Tom)和印度尼西亚的Yvonne Sibuea是当选代表。



    澳大利亚非法和注射吸毒者联盟(Australian Illicit and Injecting Drug Users League,AIVL)区域合作伙伴项目管理者Ele Morrison说:"会议的结果超出了我的预期。与会者为自己制订了宏伟的目标,他们在短短两天时间里就为建立这一新组织做了许事多。吸毒者拥有完全产权的基础就在这里。"这次会议由吸毒者组织,为了吸毒者,从世界卫生组织(WHO)、联合国区域工作组(United Nations Regional Task Force)和澳大利亚非法和注射吸毒者联盟那里获得资金支持。

    更多信息请联系Ekta:Abhiyan06@gmail.com / +977-98411 63331 或Jimmy Dorabjee: Jimmyd@burnet.edu.au / +61-419 354892。

Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:56 AM
Subject: ANPUD Press release

Press Release
21 October 2009 
Asian drug users unite to form regional organization 
Over twenty-five drug users from nine different countries met in Bangkok on 16th and 17th October 2009 to finalize the Asian Network of People who Use Drugs (ANPUD) Constitution and elect a Steering Committee for the first regional network of people who use drugs. Based on the principles of Meaningful Involvement of People who Use Drugs (MIPUD), ANPUD has been setup by people who use drugs to advocate for the rights and unify the voices of their communities across Asia. ANPUD has over 150 members throughout the Asia region who are collaborating to influence decisions that affect their lives. 
Despite being the region with the largest number of people using drugs in the world, access to effective services such as needle and syringe exchange programs and opioid substitution therapy to prevent HIV and hepatitis C transmission, the Asia region has the lowest coverage of harm reduction services across the globe. The lack of affordable HIV and HCV prevention, treatment, care and support services is largely driven by the stigma and discrimination associated with drug use. 
Jimmy Dorabjee, a key guiding figure in ANPUD's development, explained the raison d'etre for ANPUD: "People who use drugs are stigmatized, criminalized and abused in every country in Asia. Our human rights are violated and we have little in the way of health services to stay alive. If governments do not see people who use drugs, hear us and talk to us, they will continue to ignore us." 
By forming ANPUD, people who use drugs in Asia will be able to work together to engage organizations and policymakers involved in the Asian response to HIV and drug use. ANPUD's existence is critical to efforts to improve policies and services that affect the lives of drug using communities, and can contribute expertise, resources and peer support to strengthen national responses and build drug user networks. ANPUD will also focus its advocacy efforts on improving the quality of lives for people who use drugs, harmonization of policies, decriminalization, access to evidence-based, locally-driven harm reduction services, HIV prevention and treatment services and increased access to hepatitis C treatment for drug users in Asia. 
The Director of the UNAIDS Regional Support Team, Dr. Prasada Rao, spoke of the urgent need to engage with drug user networks and offered his support to ANPUD, saying that "for UNAIDS, HIV prevention among drug users is a key priority at the global level. I am very pleased today to be here to see ANPUD being shaped into an organization that will play a key role in Asia's HIV response. It is critical that we are able to more effectively involve the voices of Asian people who use drugs in the scaling up of HIV prevention services across Asia."  
By 31st December 2009, ANPUD will be officially registered as an organization. In the meantime, the constitution and governance documents have been approved. An interim Steering Committee composed of six representatives was formed, with Mohamad Firdaus (Apit) from Malaysia, Bun Bong from Cambodia, Ekta Thapa Mahat from Nepal, Hadi Yusfian from Indonesia, Myo Kyaw Lynn (Tom) from Myanmar and Yvonne Sibuea from Indonesia as elected representatives.   
The Steering Committee is supported by a Technical Support Team who will mentor the members of the Steering Committee over the next few months.  
At the end of the meeting, Ekta was proud to be taking back something concrete to Nepal: "When I go back home, I am now responsible for sharing the experiences with the 250 or so drug users who are actively advocating for better services at the national level. It will be a great way for us to work together and help build the capacity of people who use drugs in Asia."   
Ele Morrison, Program Manager,   Regional Partnership project,  of Australian Illicit and Injecting Drug Users League (AIVL), said that "the results of the meeting exceeded my expectations. The participants set ambitious goals for themselves and they have achieved a lot in just two days to setup this new organization. The building blocks for genuine ownership by people who use drugs is definitely there." This meeting was organized by drug users, for drug users, with financial support from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations Regional Task Force and AIVL. 
For more information, please contact Ekta at Abhiyan06@gmail.com / +977-98411 63331 or Jimmy Dorabjee at Jimmyd@burnet.edu.au / +61-419 354892. 


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