
【China AIDS:4864】 UNAIDS PCB NGO Delegation Update - November 16, 2009

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From: Natalie Siniora <pcbcf.nsiniora@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 5:26 AM
Subject: UNAIDS PCB NGO Delegation Update - November 16, 2009
To: pcb-ngo-delegation-information@googlegroups.com

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UNAIDS PCB NGO Delegation Update - November 16, 2009

Upcoming PCB Meeting

Second Independent Evaluation

Announcement of New NGO Delegates

Upcoming PCB Meeting: December 8-10, 2009 in Geneva

The next board meeting of UNAIDS, referred to as the Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) meeting, will be held in Geneva, December 8-10, 2009. The meeting agenda is focused on the Second Independent Evaluation of UNAIDS. Read the agenda and all board documents here.

The NGO Delegation will host its regular pre-meeting with civil society on Monday, December 7th from 2-4 pm at UNAIDS. Please RSVP to Natalie Siniora at pcbcf.nsiniora@gmail.com if you can join us.

Second Independent Evaluation of UNAIDS report available

The Second Independent Evaluation (SIE) of UNAIDS Report was made available in early October along with 12 country summaries and a regional consultation on Asia and the Pacific. In lead up to the 25th PCB meeting, the NGO Delegation and its consultative group have prepared a shorter version of the evaluation report for translation and wider accessibility to civil society. The executive summary, as well as the shorter version of the SIE Report, can be found on the NGO Delegation's website translated into Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, French and Russian. Read more....

At the end of the October, UNAIDS issued their own response to the report. Read the UNAIDS response here.

Please share your thoughts - either comment directly on the website or send us your comments on the Evaluation report and the UNAIDS response - by the end of the month. The Delegates will use the input in the December PCB meeting.

The NGO Delegation will be hosting a teleconference to discuss the evaluation with civil society and hear your views on November 18 at 2pm CEST. To join the call, please RSVP to Natalie Siniora at pcbcf.nsiniora@gmail.com.

Announcement of New NGO Delegates

The UNAIDS NGO Delegation, is pleased to announce the five new Delegates for the 2010-2011 term:

§ Africa - Felicita Hikuam - AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA)

§ Asia and Pacific - Rathi Ramanathan - Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW)

§ Europe - Matthew Southwell - International Network of People Who Use Drugs (INPUD)

§ Europe - Rhon Reynolds - International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)

§ Latin America and Caribbean - Amira Herdoiza - Corporación Kimirina

The UNAIDS NGO Delegates continuing their term through 2010 are as follows:

§ Africa - Dr. Lydia Mungherera - The AIDS Support Organization (TASO)

§ Asia and Pacific - Vince Crisostomo - The 7 Sisters, Thailand

§ North America - Evan Collins -Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN)

Two current delegates are changing organizations, so the new delegates (as replaced by the organizations) are:

§ North America - Maria Antonieta - International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF/WHR)

§ Latin America and Caribbean - Ian Mcknight - Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition (CVC)

If you would like to contact the current or new Delegates, please email the Communications Facility for their contact details.

Natalie Siniora
Communications Facility


Tel: +31 20 616 9045
Fax: +31 20 612 9880
Mob:+31 65 082 4625


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Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst

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