
【China AIDS:5504】 Thanks letter to UNAIDS! 给UNAIDS的感谢信,我们怀念雷诺舟先生!

June 24, 2010




We are an assembly of civil society organizations in China, primarily composed of young individuals. We are deeply engaged in HIV/AIDS issues in our country. Today, we are writing to you in order to express our heartfelt thanks to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS). UNAIDS has done a lot for the cause of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment in China over the past ten years. We would especially like to thank Joel Rehnstrom, the former UNAIDS country coordinator in China who is a great man! We all miss him very much, and would like to pay our respects to him for his great work in China!


Joel Rehnstrom worked in China for 5 years, during which time he greatly promoted HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and helped PLWHAs in China protect their basic human rights. He paid great attention to Chinese AIDS activists, and tried to help them whenever they were subject to a serious violation of human rights, such as with Hu Jia’s sentencing, Li Xige’s arrest, Wan Yanhai’s loss, and the banning of Chang Kun’s Xinjiang AIDS Institute. Mr. Rehnstrom would ask his colleagues to contact clients as soon as possible to show his sympathy and kindness, and would communicate with the government to help us. Because of his work on HIV/AIDS and human rights in China, the China AIDS campaign was moving fast!


We would like to express our thanks to UNAIDS for sending such a great staff to work on promoting the AIDS Campaign in China, for holding the Chinese government to its promises, and for protecting the human rights of AIDS activists and PLWHAs. The emphasis you put on the China AIDS Campaign was a very wise decision. We all miss Joel Rehnstrom very much!


Wan Yanhai, one of the most famous AIDS and Human Rights activists, praised Joel Rehnstrom highly: “Joel Rehnstrom paid great attention to AIDS prevention work in China. When AIDS activists would face “overriding conditions”, they would receive a telephone call of sympathy from UNAIDS and Joel Rehnstrom. We all thank him a lot.”


Lu Jun, a famous anti-discrimination activist, wrote in his blog: “Joel Rehnstrom is a man that never goes back on his word and is always exceptionally vigorous in work. He is selfless, and he really treats the Chinese people as his friends. He values the cause of AIDS prevention and treatment in China. We all admire him very much.”


Chang Kun, coordinator of the China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly, said: “Because of Joel Rehnstrom, UNAIDS is a department that really works for AIDS prevention and treatment in China. Without him, the UNAIDS office in China is only a bureaucratic apparatus. Chinese people will never forget Joel Rehnstrom for his great work and efforts made to promote China’s AIDS prevention and human rights causes. I would personally like to thank him for his care regarding Snow Lotus.”


Li Xige, an activist living with AIDS, appraised Joel Rehnstrom as being “a man full of mercy, love, and responsibility. He helped to protect the human rights of people living with HIV/AIDS in China without caring about recognition or reward. He paid great attention to my status as I went in and out of prison. He cared about my family, and urged the local government to resolve the problems that had developed between me and them.”


Such appraisals are countless.


Thank you, UNAIDS. And, thank you, Joel Rehnstrom. We sincerely hope that UNAIDS will help promote HIV/AIDS campaigns in China as they have done in the past. We also hope that they will continue to promote the AIDS and human rights movements in China by encouraging the Chinese government to keep their promises, and by taking care of Chinese AIDS activists.


Please give our regards to Mr. Joel Rehnstrom! We are very thankful for his work in China, and are missing him very much! We hope he can come back to China, whether for work or just to meet his old friends.




The China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly

       June 24, 2010
















中国青年艾滋病网络协调员常坤曾说:因为有了雷诺舟,UNAIDS China才像是在主导艾滋病防治运动,离开了他,简直就是个衙门。雷诺舟先生对于中国艾滋病和人权事业付出了艰辛的努力是不会被中国人所遗忘的。特别感谢他在新疆雪莲花艾滋病组织被新疆政府取缔期间的关心和支持!













中国青年艾滋病网络 总协调人
北京益仁平中心 理事

Chang Kun

General Coordinator of China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly
Board Member and Co-founder of Beijing Yirenping Center




★杯葛比尔与梅林达盖茨基金会在中国 Boycott Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in China https://sites.google.com/site/boycottgatesfoundation/
★纪念雷诺舟在华工作 http://blog.sina.com.cn/leinuozhou
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★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum: http://www.AIDSmuseum.cn
――艾博维客 AIDS Wiki : http://www.AIDSwiki.org
――中国艾滋病网络( Email Group with over 2400 members):http://www.ChinaAIDSgroup.orghttp://chinaaidsgroup.blogspot.com
――中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:http://www.AIDSmaps.org
――艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.AIDSrights.net
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