
【China AIDS:5529】 Fwd: RSVP:Civil Society Consultation on WHO HIV/AIDS Strategy 2011-2015, 18 July, Vienna [1 Attachment]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Attapon Ed Ngoksin <editpc@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 10:59 AM
Subject: ITPC RSVP:Civil Society Consultation on WHO HIV/AIDS Strategy 2011-2015, 18 July, Vienna [1 Attachment]
To: internationaltreatmentpreparedness <internationaltreatmentpreparedness@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: "Doupe, Andrew" <doupea@who.int>

[Attachment(s) from Attapon Ed Ngoksin included below]

Dear all,

I'm forwarding the message below from Andrew Doupe from WHO. Please also see the file attached here.



Civil Society Consultation on WHO HIV/AIDS Strategy 2011-2015, 18 July, Vienna

The World Health Organizations (WHO), as the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system, is responsible for leading on global health matters, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support and monitoring and assessing health t <<WHO CS Consultation 18 July.ppt>> rends. The WHO works in partnership with a broad range of civil society partners to support the health sector response for achieving Universal Access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, and the broader Millennium Development Goals.

WHO is currently in  the process of developing its HIV/AIDS Strategy 2011-2015, which will build on the achievements and experiences of the "3 by 5" initiative and the Universal Access Plan and provide a framework for concerted WHO action at the global, regional and country levels and across departments.

As part of the Strategic Framework development process, the WHO is committed to a wide ranging consultation process with civil society, in particular with key affected communities. An initial two day informal community consultation was held with key affected communities in Geneva, Switzerland, 5-6 July 2010. On the 18 July 2010, the Department of HIV/AIDS is holding a two hour consultation prior to the XVIII International Aids Conference, to listen to, discuss and receive input from civil society. You are cordially invited to attend.

As the number of places are limited could you please confirm your participation asap. Seats will be allocated on a first-come first served basis.

Time: 10:00-12:00 Sunday 18 July 2010

NH Danube City
Wagramer Straße 21
1220 Vienna - Austria
The hotel is  about 15 minute metro ride from the center of Vienna
(U1 Kaisermühlen Vic)

For people unable to attend, an online consultation will begin in late July at http://www.who.int/hiv/strategy_consultation

Andrew Doupe
Partnerships Officer
Office of the Director
Department of HIV/AIDS
World Health Organization
Tel: +41 (0)22 791 5876

Ed Attapon Ngoksin

Treatment Monitoring & Advocacy Project of ITPC - International Treatment Preparedness Coalition Secretariat
51/2 3rd floor Ruam Rudee Building 3 Soi Ruam Rudee Ploenchit Rd., Lumphini, Pathumwan Bangkok
Office: +66 22 557 477-8
Fax: +66 22 557 479
Mobile: +66 82 445 5543
Website: www.itpcglobal.org


Attachment(s) from Attapon Ed Ngoksin

1 of 1 File(s)

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Tel: +1-718-514-2855

Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
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Asia Catalyst
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New York, NY 10009
Tel: +1-718-514-2855

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