
【China AIDS:5839】 Fwd: [Whrin-list] Fwd: [Women ARISE] Mary Robinson Award for Young Women's Leadership in Human Rights

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <rileydm@aol.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 1:27 PM
Subject: [Whrin-list] Fwd: [Women ARISE] Mary Robinson Award for Young Women's Leadership in Human Rights
To: whrin-list@talkingdrugs.org

---- Original Message ----
From: womenvienna2010@aidswomencaucus.org
To: women-arise@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, Oct 4, 2010 1:01 pm
Subject: [Women ARISE] Mary Robinson Award for Young Women's Leadership in Human Rights

Dear friends,
Please see below the call for nominations for the Mary Robinson Award for Young
Leadership in Human Rights, deadline October 31, 2010.
Mabel Bianco

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Subject: Mary Robinson Award for Young Women's Leadership in Human Rights
Date sent: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 09:23:33 +0200
From: "Sophie Dilmitis"

Dear Friends,

Please share this as widely as possible.

If you know any young women who would be interested in applying for
this please share this with them.

If you are a young woman, under the age of 30, involved in Human
Rights work - Please nominate yourself for the Mary Robinson Award for
Young Women's Leadership in Human Rights.

The deadline for submission of the reviewed nomination is October 31,
2010. Download the Nomination form at
http://www.worldywcacouncil.org/Mary-Robinson-Award or find attached.
Email the completed form to maryrobinsonaward@worldywca.org

The World YWCA established the Mary Robinson Award for Young Women's
Leadership in Human Rights to recognise young women leaders and human
rights activists. The first recipients of the award will be honoured
and celebrated during the International Women's Summit in Zurich,
Switzerland from July 12 - 13, 2011.

The award recognises:

1. A young YWCA human rights activist
2. A young woman human rights activist from the broader community
of partners working on human rights 3. A member association that
demonstrates exemplary support and promotion of young women's
leadership in the field of human rights.

Mary Robinson is a renowned human rights activist and a trailblazer
for women's rights and leadership, was the first woman President of
Ireland (1990-1997) and former United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights (1997-2002). She has spent most of her life as a human
rights advocate. As an academic (Trinity College Law Faculty 1968-90),
legislator (Senator 1969-89) and barrister (1967-90, Senior Counsel
1980, English Bar 1973) she has always sought to use law as an
instrument for social change, arguing landmark cases before the
European Court of Human Rights, the Irish courts and the European
Court in Luxemburg. Mary Robinson served as Chair for the Council of
Women World Leaders and is presently leading Realising Rights: the
Ethical Globalisation Initiative.

Many thanks

Sophie Dilmitis
HIV and AIDS Coordinator
16 Ancienne Route CH-1218 Grand Saconnex Geneva Switzerland Telephone
(+41) 22 929 60 33 | Telefax (+41) 22 929 6044 Email
Sophie.dilmitis@worldywca.org | Website www.worldywca.org w o r l d y
w c a | w o m e n l e a d i n g c h a n g e a global movement of
25 million women and girls working for justice, peace, health, human
dignity, freedom and the environment in 125 countries

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Fundacion para Estudio e Investigacion de la Mujer -FEIM-
"Veinte años promoviendo los derechos de las mujeres y niñas"
"Twenty years promoting women's and girls' rights"
Parana 135 Piso 3 "13" (1017) | Tel./Fax: (+54 11) 4372 2763
Buenos Aires - Argentina | www.feim.org.ar

------- End of forwarded message -------

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