The First Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation on HIV and Sex Work
12 � 15 October 2010,
By Dr. Siriwat Tiptaradol
Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health
Honourable Government Colleagues;
Dr. Nafis Sadik, the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS, Steven Kraus, Nobuko Horibe, Najib Assifi, and other UN partners;
Kay Thi Win, Andrew Hunter, Ruth Morgan Thomas, and APNSW friends,
Dear resource persons, participants, distinguish guests, ladies and gentlemen:
Good morning.
On behalf of Dr. Paijit Warachit, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health and the Royal Thai Government, it is my honour to officially welcome you to this First Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation on HIV and Sex Work. The Royal Thai Government is delighted and honoured to co-host this regional consultation in partnership with the Asia-Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW), the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
Let me take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to resource persons and fellow delegates from all eight participating countries. We are delighted you are here. Thank you for engaging these important discussions and sharing your knowledge and life experiences with us.
I realize that you are fully dedicated to the sessions that will follow, but I do hope you will also be able to take time to enjoy fascinating
Looking at the content of this Consultation, and on behalf of the Royal Thai Government, I want to re-iterate the importance of our responses in the area of HIV and sex work.
Building on the achievements and lessons learned in the past two decades, current programmes in
In the current 5-year National AIDS Control Plan (2007-2011) which is the implementation plan of the Tenth National Economic and Social Development Plan of Thailand, there are clear strategies for all key populations involved in the sex work, including sex workers who work within and outside formal establishments, regular and non-regular clients, as well as partners of sex workers.
These strategies reflect the fact that sex work settings and sexual services have become more complex. Often, it is difficult to catch up with the changing nature of sex work patterns. As a result, programme coverage and national scale-up remains a new and ever-changing challenge. With support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and on-going financial budget support from the Government, effective partnerships between government ministries, sex workers, clients and partners have continued and expanded throughout the country.
Collaboration between the Government and non-government organizations, as well as community partners has resulted in increased effectiveness. Many of us have learned good and "life-saving" practices from community leaders and networks, including the significant concept of "Sex Work is Work".
Let me elaborate why we say "Sex Work is Work". Sex workers earn their living and often support their family members with income they earn from providing sexual services. There are no strange or dysfunctional psychological characteristics of people involved in sex work. The fact is that sex work is an income-generating activity or a form of employment. As such it can be considered along with other forms of economic activity. An employment or labor perspective is a necessary, if not sufficient, condition for making sex work and human rights real at local, national and international levels.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, our consultation this week marks significant progress in networking and partnership among government, non-government, civil society and international partners in sincere and friendly discussions. I personally expect that our efforts will not only strengthen the recognition that "sex work is work," but will also result in actions to make sex work safer.
In closing, I wish to express my gratitude to all resource persons and delegates for their full cooperation and contribution to the First Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on HIV and Sex Work. I take this opportunity to thank the joint organizers APNSW, UNAIDS, and UNFPA for organizing this consultation and for providing the necessary funding. I would also like to express my gratitude to hotel staff for their support. Again, I wish you enjoy hospitality and good cuisine as together we share knowledge, build and strengthen partnerships, and make new friends.
I wish you a very fruitful and productive consultation.
Thank you.
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