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From: Gregg Gonsalves <gregg.gonsalves@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 8:51 PM
Subject: ITPC Student AIDS Activists Interrupt Obama Speech
30 students from Yale and Harvard Universities interrupted President
Obama at a rally in Connecticut yesterday, calling for more money for
global AIDS. A report from NY Magazine is below, but there are others
online as well including footage of the event.
The protesters, all of whom are Obama supporters, felt as if this was
their last resort, as appeals to the Administration on PEPFAR funding
and access to AIDS treatment have fallen on deaf ears, with the
Administration held in the sway of those who think ART is not
cost-effective and are shifting US policies away from further
substantial expansion of access to these life saving drugs...
Obama: Republicans Aren’t Funding AIDS Issues
10/30/10 at 4:25 PM
According to President Obama, some pesky "young people" protesting for
more global AIDS funding have been showing up "at every rally" and
interrupting him. Today, in Connecticut to discuss the economy, Obama
addressed these crazy young people, and ended up addressing AIDS
funding in the process. The president put his planned remarks on hold
and said:
"Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, young people? Let me just say this:
You've been appearing at every rally we've been doing, and we're
funding global AIDS, and the other side is not. So I don't know why
you think this is a useful strategy to take. I think it would make a
lot more sense for you guys to go to the folks who aren't interested
in funding global AIDS, and go to that rally. We're trying to figure
out how to finance the things that you want financed. You guys have
made your point. Let's go."
Public speaking is hard enough as it is, and at least Obama didn't
just crumple his speech up in a ball and throw it at a
picket-sign-carrying protester or something. Regardless, his advice
that AIDS funding advocates go bother "the other side," who aren't the
president, and who are, according to him, somewhat dubiously,
specifically not interested in AIDS funding, doesn't sound very
Back in the eighties, AIDS activist Larry Kramer and his gang of
supporters used to pull this stunt regularly, thereby changing AIDS
funding forever. So, at least Obama wants AIDS activists to protest,
even if it's at someone else's rally. But, you know, maybe the "young
people" shouldn't just head to the not-president's rally if they want
to make themselves and their issues known. Which we think is exactly
what they just did, quite successfully.
President Obama Heckled at Connecticut Rally [Gawker TV]
By: Mike Vilensky
Gregg Gonsalves
100 York Street
University Towers, 10-D
New Haven, CT 06511
Email: gregg.gonsalves@gmail.com or gregg.gonsalves@yale.edu
Mobile: +1-203-606-9149
From: Gregg Gonsalves <gregg.gonsalves@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 8:51 PM
Subject: ITPC Student AIDS Activists Interrupt Obama Speech
30 students from Yale and Harvard Universities interrupted President
Obama at a rally in Connecticut yesterday, calling for more money for
global AIDS. A report from NY Magazine is below, but there are others
online as well including footage of the event.
The protesters, all of whom are Obama supporters, felt as if this was
their last resort, as appeals to the Administration on PEPFAR funding
and access to AIDS treatment have fallen on deaf ears, with the
Administration held in the sway of those who think ART is not
cost-effective and are shifting US policies away from further
substantial expansion of access to these life saving drugs...
Obama: Republicans Aren’t Funding AIDS Issues
10/30/10 at 4:25 PM
According to President Obama, some pesky "young people" protesting for
more global AIDS funding have been showing up "at every rally" and
interrupting him. Today, in Connecticut to discuss the economy, Obama
addressed these crazy young people, and ended up addressing AIDS
funding in the process. The president put his planned remarks on hold
and said:
"Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, young people? Let me just say this:
You've been appearing at every rally we've been doing, and we're
funding global AIDS, and the other side is not. So I don't know why
you think this is a useful strategy to take. I think it would make a
lot more sense for you guys to go to the folks who aren't interested
in funding global AIDS, and go to that rally. We're trying to figure
out how to finance the things that you want financed. You guys have
made your point. Let's go."
Public speaking is hard enough as it is, and at least Obama didn't
just crumple his speech up in a ball and throw it at a
picket-sign-carrying protester or something. Regardless, his advice
that AIDS funding advocates go bother "the other side," who aren't the
president, and who are, according to him, somewhat dubiously,
specifically not interested in AIDS funding, doesn't sound very
Back in the eighties, AIDS activist Larry Kramer and his gang of
supporters used to pull this stunt regularly, thereby changing AIDS
funding forever. So, at least Obama wants AIDS activists to protest,
even if it's at someone else's rally. But, you know, maybe the "young
people" shouldn't just head to the not-president's rally if they want
to make themselves and their issues known. Which we think is exactly
what they just did, quite successfully.
President Obama Heckled at Connecticut Rally [Gawker TV]
By: Mike Vilensky
Gregg Gonsalves
100 York Street
University Towers, 10-D
New Haven, CT 06511
Email: gregg.gonsalves@gmail.com or gregg.gonsalves@yale.edu
Mobile: +1-203-606-9149
爱行马拉松俱乐部(AIDS Walk China) 负责人
中国青年艾滋病网络 总协调人
北京益仁平中心 理事
Chang Kun
北京益仁平中心 理事
Chang Kun
Director of AIDS Walk China
General Coordinator of China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly
Board Member and Co-founder of Beijing Yirenping Center
Phone: 133 4910 8944 ;Skype: Chinachangkun
General Coordinator of China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly
Board Member and Co-founder of Beijing Yirenping Center
Phone: 133 4910 8944 ;Skype: Chinachangkun
★Archives for UNAIDS CCC http://www.HungerStrikeforAIDS.org/changkun
★中国青年艾滋病网络 共享网盘:http://oeo.la/Knbq8
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C:Contact: Chang Kun 13349108944 changkun2010@gmail.com
★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum: http://www.AIDSmuseum.cn
――艾博维客 AIDS Wiki : http://www.AIDSwiki.org
――China AIDS Email Group with over 2400 members:http://chinaaidsgroup.blogspot.com
――中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:http://www.AIDSmaps.org
――艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.AIDSrights.net
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