中国艾滋病病毒携带者联盟(CAP+) 秘书处
We are shocked and feel angry by the news that Tian Xi, a right activist in Henan, had been sentenced by the People’s Court of Xincai County, Henan Province for one year imprisonment!
The People’s Court of Xincai County, Henan Province disregards the fact that Tian Xi was infected by HIV, Hepatitis B and C due to the dereliction of duty by the local government in the history, but on the contrary sentences Tian Xi with one year term of imprisonment. This is hardly accepted by us!
We, China Alliance of People Living with HIV/AIDS(CAP+), hereon strongly requests the legal enforcement departments in Henan to completely change the wrong sentence and returns Tian Xi with innocence and returns the whole society with justice.
This letter will be delivered by express mail to the Higher People’s Court of Henan Province and the People’s Court of Xincai County. We keep the right to follow up the development of the event.
China Alliance of People Living with HIV/AIDS(CAP+)
★艾博法律热线(AIBO Law Hotline):15501137876
★China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly (CYHAA) 共享网盘:http://oeo.la/I4gf8
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――China AIDS Email Group with over 2400 members:http://chinaaidsgroup.blogspot.com
――中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:http://www.AIDSmaps.org
――艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.AIDSrights.net
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