From: Thomson, Kate []
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 7:08 AM
To: Sarah's Gmail
Cc: David Barr
Subject: FW: Civil Society Registration for High Level meeting on AIDS
Kate Thomson - Head, Civil Society Partnerships Unit - UNAIDS - 20 avenue Appia - 1211 Geneva 27 - Switzerland - E-mail: - Tel: +41 22 791 4621
From: Smith, Sally
Sent: Wednesday, 09 February, 2011 09:57
To: 'Civil Society Task Force members'
Cc: 'NGO'; 'PSMO Strategic Meeting'; 'PCB NGOs and Communications Facility'
Subject: FW: Civil Society Registration for High Level meeting on AIDS
Dear All
Apologies for cross posting: This is to remind you that registration for the High Level Meeting on AIDS closes on 18th February.
On-line civil society application form
It will be possible to apply on-line to attend the HLM and Civil Society Hearing between Monday 31 January and Friday 18 February 2011.
This on-line application site has only very brief instructions on how to complete the form so it is important that you first read the detailed background information and instruction sheet posted on the UNAIDS website. The on-line form collects basic information about your organization and why you want to participate in the events. It also collects information on the individuals your organization would like to send. A maximum of two representatives can apply on behalf of each organization applying for special accreditation to attend the meeting.
Please note that space in the UN building is very limited and accreditation does not guarantee access to the venues for official meetings. For this reason, civil society organizations are strongly encouraged to focus energies on dialogue with their governments in the months preceding the HLM, to ensure that their views and aspirations are reflected in the outcome document of the meeting.
Best Regards
Sally Smith
<<CSO Announcement document1 Feb 11.doc>> <<HLM_UNAIDS Note_01Feb2011.pdf>>
Sally Smith - Partnerships Adviser- UNAIDS - 20 avenue Appia - 1211 Geneva 27 - Switzerland -Tel: +41 22 791 4448- E-mail:
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——艾滋人权 AIDS Rights:
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