
【China AIDS:6641】 Fwd: [AIDS ASIA] Staying Alive Foundation Call for Proposals

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Piot, Sara <Piot.Sara@mtvne.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 9:37 AM
Subject: [AIDS ASIA] Staying Alive Foundation Call for Proposals


Dear friends and colleagues,

The Staying Alive Foundation is pleased to announce a new call for grant proposals.

The Staying Alive Foundation's mission is to encourage, energize and empower young people who are involved in HIV awareness, education and prevention campaigns. We aim to achieve this by funding youth-led organizations that raise awareness about HIV and AIDS among their peers in their communities and that have received little or no previous funding. Our grants are a maximum of US$12,000 for 1 year.

The application process happens in two stages, and begins online at http://foundation.staying-alive.org/en/grants/apply with a short online form. The deadline to apply is August 15th 2011. We also have forms in French and Spanish which can be demanded via email: foundation@staying-alive.org<mailto:foundation@staying-alive.org>
Grants will be announced on 1st of December 2011.

Please send this widely to all your youth networks. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at foundation@staying-alive.org<mailto:foundation@staying-alive.org>



Sara Piot
Director of Grants
Staying Alive Foundation

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