发件人:"UCC of China" <ucc-china@unaids.org>
日期:2011-11-3 上午10:37
主题:Meeting report “Strengthening the Response of Legal Service Providers to HIV/AIDS” 加强法律服务提供者应对艾滋病相关问题研讨会报告
收件人: <manchuriansun@hotmail.com>, <tingting.shen007@gmail.com>, <yutake2007@gmail.com>, <changkun2010@gmail.com>, <yangzhanqing6121328@gmail.com>, <jlsgongzuo@gmail.com>, <lawstar@yeah.net>, <chl_long@sina.com>, <daytop.cn@gmail.com>, <dtpflyz@126.com>, <shaofenjs@yahoo.com.cn>, <zhoudan.china@gmail.com>, <hx7068@163.com>, <dayong.zhou@dachenglaw.com>, <guangmei.ran@dachenglaw.com>, <liuweillx@gmail.com>, <wangyi9876543210@126.com>, <heywood@section27.org.za>, <qing.gu@undp.org>, <wurulian@ilo.org>, <johnegodwin@gmail.com>, <bhu@hpi-asia.rti.org>, <belindahu@gmail.com>, <hshan@hpi-asia.rti.org>, <xiadonghua@gmail.com>
抄送:"Nan Taona Kuo - UNAIDS" <kuot@unaids.org>, "Stirling, Mark" <stirlingm@unaids.org>, "Li, Xia" <LiX@unaids.org>, "Shallcross, David" <ShallcrossD@unaids.org>
Dear colleagues,
Thank you for your participation and excellent inputs to the workshop on “Strengthening the Response of Legal Service Providers to HIV/AIDS” held in Kunming in September. It was a great start to identifying some key strategic priorities over the coming 5 years to strengthen work on legal services for HIV in China. Please find attached the meeting report in Chinese and English.
We are also sharing UNDP’s GED project monograph, “Civil Society in China: A New Force for Equitable Development - Experiences and Thoughts of a Legal Aid CSO”, as it is a useful resource of how other legal services have developed in China.
With best regards,
Mark Stirling
Country Coordinator
同时也附上UNDP的项目专题报告《中国民间组织:公平发展的新兴力量 – 来自法律类民间组织的经验和思考》,这个报告就中国其他法律服务机构如何发展提供了有用的资源和信息。
From: UCC of China
Sent: 2011年9月1日 16:43
To: yutake2007@gmail.com
Cc: Kuo, Nana Taona; Yuhua, Fan; Li, Xia; Shallcross, David
Subject: Invitation to Workshop on “Strengthening the Response of Legal Service Providers to HIV/AIDS”加强法律服务提供者应对艾滋病相关问题研讨会邀请函
Invitation to Workshop on “Strengthening the Response of Legal Service Providers to HIV/AIDS”
Dear Sir/Madam,
UNAIDS and Health Policy Initiative/Greater Mekong Region-China (HPI/GMR-C) cordially invite you to take part in the workshop on “Strengthening the Response of Legal Service Providers to HIV/AIDS” that is scheduled for the 15th – 16th September 2011 in Kunming, Yunnan Province.
The participants in the workshop will primarily be domestic lawyers and representatives from legal service centers that specialize in working with individuals affected by HIV/AIDS, with additional participation from PLWHA, members of key affected communities and international experts on HIV/AIDS law. During the workshop, we hope to discuss some of the issues raised in the recently completed UNAIDS summary report, “The Current State of HIV/AIDS legal provision in China”, with a view to establishing deeper dialogue and consensus among legal service providers concerning work priorities, optimal utilization of existing resources and areas where further capacity-building work may be needed. Mark Heywood, the Executive Director of Section 27 (formerly the AIDS Law Project, the first HIV/AIDS legal service organization in the world, and a leading advocate for major reform in South African HIV/AIDS law), will be one of the participants, and will lead a discussion about the role of legal service provision in different cultural contexts.
Owing to your outstanding contributions to HIV/AIDS legal work in China, UNAIDS and HPI would be honored by your presence at this workshop, and very much look forward to benefitting from your knowledge and experiences. UNAIDS will be supporting the travel and accommodation costs of participants outside of Kunming.
Please confirm your participation to Ms Li Xia at lix@unaids.org and copy to Ms Fan Yuhua at fany@unaids.org by 1st September, 2011. For a detailed agenda, please refer to the attachment. A detailed logistics note will be sent upon your confirmation of attendance.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Stirling
UNAIDS Country Coordinator
南非Section 27(前身为”艾滋病法律项目”,即AIDS Law Project)是世界上第一个艾滋病法律服务机构,成功地推动了南非艾滋病相关法律的制定和落实,我们有幸邀请到该组织的执行主任,也是联合国艾滋病规划署人权与艾滋病专家委员会前任主席Mark Heywood先生,他届时将与大家分享南非的经验,并针对不同文化背景下艾滋病法律服务的作用进行专题讨论。
★艾博法律热线(AIBO Law Hotline):15501137876
★China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly (CYHAA) 共享网盘:http://oeo.la/I4gf8
"China AIDS Group中国艾滋病网络"
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C:Contact: Chang Kun 13349108944 changkun2010@gmail.com
――艾博维客 AIDS Wiki : http://www.AIDSwiki.org
――China AIDS Email Group with over 2400 members:http://chinaaidsgroup.blogspot.com
――艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.AIDSrights.net
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