
【China AIDS:/】 征收货币交易费用于健康事业全球运动宣言




    在本月晚些时候的G20会议预备阶段,我们敦促贵组织签署并支持《征收货币交易费用于健康事业全球运动宣言》(Declaration of the Global Campaign for a Currency Transaction Levy for Health),以便要求我们的政府:a)采取必要的措施来引进这一费用 b)确保将收益用于实现与健康有关的千年发展目标。








    ·我们呼吁捐赠国履行其将国家预算的0.7%用于官方发展援助的承诺,我们同样呼吁非洲国家遵守《阿布贾宣言》(Abuja Declaration)中的诺言,将国家预算的至少15%用于健康事业。






        ·货币交易征费的收益应该用于与健康有关的千年发展目标,尤其是关于妇幼保健的第4和第5条,二者严重资金不足,以及普及HIV、结核病和疟疾的预防、治疗、护理和支持。国际社会目前有到位的机制来分配资金和迅速扩大干预措施(例如通过全球疫苗免疫联盟(GAVI Alliance)、全球抗击艾滋病、结核病和疟疾基金及国际药品采购机制(UNITAID))。





Agency for Community Care and Development  (ACCAD), 印度   

Africa Japan Forum, 日本

African Council of AIDS Service organizations (AfriCASO), 塞内加尔

Africare, 美国

AGIHAS, 拉托维亚                                        

AIDS and Rights Allainec for Southern Africa (ARASA)  

AIDS Care Watch (ACW) Campaign, 亚洲

AIDS Healthcare Foundation/India Cares, 印度 

AIDS Saint John, 加拿大

All-Ukrainain Network PLWH, 乌克兰                           

Ambassadors of Change NGO members, 肯尼亚      

Association "Pozityvus gyvenimas", 立陶宛                          

Avocats Pour la Santé dans le Monde (GHA France)      

Balance Promoción para el Desarrollo y Juventud A.C., 墨西哥  

Byelorussian public union "Positive movement", 白俄罗斯                   

Center for Health Policy and Innovation, Toronto, 加拿大      

Citizen News Service (CNS)    

Civil Society Coalition to Stop TB in Nigeria (CSCSTB), 尼日利亚

Coalition for AIDS Treatment Access (CATA), 印度

Coalition PLUS, 法国

Consortium of HIVAIDS Treatment Providers in the Asia Pacific (CHATPAP)        

East European & Central Asian UNION PLWH, 乌克兰                             

Estonian Network of PLWH, 爱沙尼亚

Family Care International, 美国

German Foundation for World Population (DSW), 德国 

Global Health Advocates India

Global Action For Children, 美国

Global AIDS Alliance, 美国

Global Health Advocates Switzerland (GHA)     

Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GYCA), 加纳      

Group Genesis Panamá +  (GGP+), 巴拿马

Health Action International (Global)  

Health Action International Europe    

Health Alliance International 

Health GAP, 美国

India HIV/AIDS Alliance       

Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD), 加拿大

International Civil Society Support, 荷兰

International HIV/AIDS Alliance, 英国

International Treatment Preparedness Coalition

Kazakhstan's Union of PLWH, 哈萨克斯坦                

Latin American Network of People Living with HIV/Aids (REDLA+)

Le Réseau National des Personnes Vivant Avec le VIH/sida (RENIP+), 尼日尔

League of PLWH of Republic Moldova, 摩尔多瓦

Mecanismo de control y apoyo al Vih Colombia

National Empowerment Network of PLHAs in Kenya (NEPHAK)


Real world, real people, 亚美尼亚                              

Northern AIDS Connection Society, 加拿大      

Ntchisi Integrated Development Organisation, 马拉维   

Organisation Positive-Generation, 喀麦隆

Partners in Health, 美国

PCF "Positive initiative", 吉尔吉斯斯坦

Physicians for Human Rights, 美国

Positive Life Association of Nigeria (PLAN), 伊巴丹,尼日利亚 

Positive Life, 蒙古

Positive Malaysia Treat Access & Advocacy Group (MTAAG+)      

Protection Enfants Sida, 刚果民主共和国 (DRC)   

Public organization on AIDS fight, 阿塞拜疆

Public Personalities Against AIDS Trust, 津巴布韦

Public union of PLWH "Ishonch va Hayot", 乌兹别克斯坦

REDLA+, 乌拉圭



Save The Children UK  

Senderos Asociación Mutual, 卡利,哥伦比亚

Stamp Out Poverty, 英国

Stop AIDS in Liberia (SAIL)   

TB Survival Project   

The Good Neighbour Inc., 拉各斯,尼日利亚

Treatment Action Group, 美国

Treatment Action Movement (TAM), 尼日利亚

Treatment Advocacy & Literacy Campaign (TALC), 赞比亚 

VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas), 美国

Womankind Nigeria for Women living with HIV, 纳萨拉瓦州,尼日利亚中北部



David Hercot, MD, Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, 比利时

Dr Allan Schapira, Swiss Tropical Institute   

Heather Clarke, IAVI Europe   

Erik Lamontagne, Economist and Adviser, UNAIDS, 日内瓦

Wojciech Tomczynski, 波兰



Ethical Currency Ltd., 英国     

Vestergaard Frandsen


Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 9:22 PM
Subject: ITPC REMINDER: Please sign on to support a Currency Transaction Levy for Health - deadline 21 Sept

Dear all - we have now about 75 sign-ons to the Declaration (see below), thanks all very much for that.
Tomorrow (Monday) is the deadline for sign-ons for the upcoming G20 meeting,
so if you haven't done so already, please sign on a.s.a.p. - thanks!


In July a group of health advocates came together to discuss a global campaign for a Currency Transaction Levy (CTL) for Health. This levy, when applied to the four major currencies (US dollar, Yen, Euro and British Pound) could raise up to $33 billion a year, without distorting the financial markets, and thus providing an additional, predictable and sustainable source for funding. For more information on the CTL, have a look at the website www.stampoutpoverty.org
In the run-up to the G20 later this month we urge you to sign on your organization and support this Declaration of the Global Campaign for a Currency Transaction Levy for Health, to push our governments a) to take the necessary steps to introduce such a levy, and b) make sure the benefits are dedicated to reach the health MDGs.
Please sign on by sending an email a.s.a.p. to jw@icssupport.org deadline is Monday 21 September

Declaration of the Global Campaign

for a Currency Transaction Levy for Health

    • We are committed to raising sufficient finances to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for Health, namely to reduce child mortality, improve maternal health and combat the major diseases by 2015 (MDGs 4, 5 & 6). 
    • We acknowledge that neither allocated nor committed levels of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and domestic financing are sufficient to meet these Goals, a situation compounded by the global financial crisis, which is severely affecting the poorest countries in the world.
    • We call upon donors to keep their commitments to allocate 0.7% of their national budgets to ODA and that African countries, similarly, honour their Abuja Declaration pledge to commit at least 15% of their national budgets to health.
    • We are committed to locating and harnessing additional, new and predictable income streams that are capable of meeting funding shortfalls.
    A Currency Transaction Levy (CTL) has the potential to raise revenue of at least $30 billion a year on a sustainable, predictable and on-going basis from the foreign exchange (fx) market, that has not been privy to levies or taxation to date.
  • The CTL is technically simple to implement: the foreign exchange market is fully electronic, revenue collection would be automatic, with no scope for avoidance.
  • At the proposed low rate of 0.005%, the foreign exchange market would not be adversely affected whilst at the same time significant income would be generated.
    • The CTL would be applied to the wholesale foreign exchange market only, and not affect the retail market nor have an impact on migrant remittances.
    • The proceeds of the CTL should benefit the health MDGs, most notably MDGs 4 and 5 on maternal and child health, which are seriously under-resourced, and Universal Access to HIV, TB and malaria prevention, treatment, care and support. The international community currently has the mechanisms in place to channel the funds and rapidly scale up interventions, (e.g., through the GAVI Alliance, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and UNITAID).
We therefore strongly urge decision-makers to take all the steps necessary for introduction of a Currency Transaction Levy on their currencies at the earliest possible time with revenue dedicated to meet the MDGs for Health, and importantly ensure CTL proceeds are additional to, and DO NOT replace, existing aid commitments. 
Signed by:
Agency for Community Care and Development  (ACCAD), India      
Africa Japan Forum, Japan      
African Council of AIDS Service organizations (AfriCASO), Senegal      
Africare, USA  
AGIHAS, Latvia                                         
AIDS and Rights Allainec for Southern Africa (ARASA)   
AIDS Care Watch (ACW) Campaign, Asia   
AIDS Healthcare Foundation/India Cares, India  
AIDS Saint John, Canada
All-Ukrainain Network PLWH, Ukraine                            
Ambassadors of Change NGO members, Kenya       
Association "Pozityvus gyvenimas", Lithuania                           
Avocats Pour la Sant
é dans le Monde (GHA France)       
Balance Promoción para el Desarrollo y Juventud A.C., Mexico   
Byelorussian public union "Positive movement", Byelorussia                     
Center for Health Policy and Innovation, Toronto, Canada       
Citizen News Service (CNS)     
Civil Society Coalition to Stop TB in Nigeria (CSCSTB), Nigeria
Coalition for AIDS Treatment Access (CATA), India      
Coalition PLUS, France 
Consortium of HIVAIDS Treatment Providers in the Asia Pacific (CHATPAP)        
East European & Central Asian UNION PLWH, Ukraine                              
Estonian Network of PLWH, Estonia      
Family Care International, USA 
German Foundation for World Population (DSW), Germany  
Global Health Advocates India  
Global Action For Children, USA
Global AIDS Alliance, USA      
Global Health Advocates Switzerland (GHA)      
Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GYCA), Ghana       
Group Genesis Panamá +  (GGP+), Panama 
Health Action International (Global)   
Health Action International Europe     
Health Alliance International  
Health GAP, USA        
India HIV/AIDS Alliance        
Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD), Canada   
International Civil Society Support, Netherlands       
International HIV/AIDS Alliance, UK    
International Treatment Preparedness Coalition 
Kazakhstan's Union of PLWH, Kazakhstan                 
Latin American Network of People Living with HIV/Aids (REDLA+) 
Le Réseau National des Personnes Vivant Avec le VIH/sida (RENIP+), Niger       
League of PLWH of Republic Moldova, Moldova                            
Mecanismo de control y apoyo al Vih Colombia   
National Empowerment Network of PLHAs in Kenya (NEPHAK)
GULI SURKH, Tajikistan                                 
Real world, real people, Armenia                               
Northern AIDS Connection Society, Canada       
Ntchisi Integrated Development Organisation, Malawi    
Organisation Positive-Generation, Cameroon     
Partners in Health, USA        
PCF "Positive initiative", Kyrgyzstan                          
Physicians for Human Rights, USA       
Positive Life Association of Nigeria (PLAN), Ibadan, Nigeria.  
Positive Life, Mongolia                
Positive Malaysia Treat Access & Advocacy Group (MTAAG+)       
Protection Enfants Sida, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)    
Public organization on AIDS fight, Azerbaijan                          
Public Personalities Against AIDS Trust, Zimbabwe      
Public union of PLWH "Ishonch va Hayot", Uzbekistan                            
REDLA+, Uruguay        
Save The Children UK   
Senderos Asociación Mutual, Cali, Colombia     
Stamp Out Poverty, UK  
Stop AIDS in Liberia (SAIL)    
TB Survival Project    
The Good Neighbour Inc., Lagos, Nigeria
Treatment Action Group, USA    
Treatment Action Movement (TAM), Nigeria       
Treatment Advocacy & Literacy Campaign (TALC), Zambia  
VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas), UK   
Womankind Nigeria for Women living with HIV, Nasarawa State, North Central Nigeria     
On personal title:     
David Hercot, MD, Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Belgium      
Dr Allan Schapira, Swiss Tropical Institute    
Heather Clarke, IAVI Europe    
Erik Lamontagne, Economist and Adviser, UNAIDS, Geneva 
Wojciech Tomczynski, Poland    
Ethical Currency Ltd., UK      
Vestergaard Frandsen   

Jacqueline Wittebrood | Communications Focal Point | Developed Country NGO Delegation to the Global Fund Board | International Civil Society Support | Van Diemenstraat 192 | 1013 CP Amsterdam | The Netherlands | Fax: +31 (0) 20 4280657 | Mobile: +31 (0) 6 33318020 | Email: jw@icssupport.org | Skype: jacqueline.wittebrood | www.icssupport.org


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