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Kaytee Riek <kaytee@healthgap.org> Date: 2009/10/28
Subject: Kun, Organize a World AIDS Day event in Beijing
gmail.com | Hi , On World AIDS Day, the world media and politicians turn their attention to AIDS. We need to make sure that part of the story told is that the US is breaking its promises on AIDS, and the results are catastrophic to people with HIV in developing countries and here in the US. On December 1st, activists across the US are going to stand up and demand that Obama and Congress keep their promises on AIDS. Will you help by organizing an event in Beijing? Click here to sign up. We'll help you every step of the way, by providing all the materials you'll need, and supporting you in organizing your event. Please sign up today to make an event happen! All you need is 10 or 20 friends who would come out on December 1st to your local Senator or Representative's office, and some time. I know it's a busy time of year, but World AIDS Day is the one day that people across the country pay attention to the toll AIDS has taken on our society. We should make sure they know that Obama and Congress have a lot more to do before they've kept their promises on AIDS. When President Obama was campaigning, he made bold commitments to change the way the US fights AIDS (you can download the Obama campaign fact sheet to read about his promises here). But he has not come through on most of those promises! Global AIDS programs have been flat-funded, which has resulted in people with HIV around the world losing access to treatment, and people who are at risk of HIV not getting the prevention programs needed to stay healthy. He promised to lift the ban on funding of syringe exchange, but failed to remove language from the budget to allow federal funding. And he committed to promoting evidence-based interventions, like AIDS housing programs, but did not propose to increase funding. It's going to take a massive effort to get the President and Congress to change course, and keep the promises made around AIDS. For more information on Obama's broken promises, click here to download a new Health GAP fact sheet that shows the progress made on four key promises. Sign up now to organize a Beijing "Keep the Promise" World AIDS Day event! - Kaytee | | |

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