World Youth Conference 2010 – Civil Society Consultation
Next year Mexico will be hosting the World Youth Conference 2010 from August 23rd to the 29th. As you may know, the conference represents a unique opportunity to identify action priorities on youth issues to be included in the International Agenda for development beyond the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
With the aim of truly impact the international agenda, and acknowledging that the Declaration project emerging from the conference should incorporate the diverse challenges faced by world’s youth, we’re looking to strength civil society participation in the construction of regional diagnosis regarding youth and development.
Knowing that only by the means of committed non-governmental organizations and networks like yours we’ll be able to access serious, objective and innovative investigations on youth –especially those regarding marginal and sensitive topics- we invite you to share the information you would like to see included in the discussions of the Pre-conferences and the WYC 2010.
All previous and during discussions of the conference will be framed within the Millennium Development Goals. In this sense, we’ll be thankful if you could share with us those formal investigations, documents and papers that treat youth matters from a non-conventional perspective as well as those regarding understudied or less visible situations.
By providing us with reliable data, collected through serious procedures and rigorous methods, we will be able to build consistent inputs to nourish Pre-conferences and Regional Consultations discussions.
You can send your contributions to Vanesa González-Rizzo Krasniansky at the following address: until January 30th 2010.
We remind you that the main topics of the WYC 2010 will be:
Development with Inclusion.
1. To eradicate poverty, exclusion and social segregation in youth; including the lack of security and justice for young people.
2. To ensure universal elementary education and total access to proper education for current and potential development.
Gender Equity.
3. To promote equality among genders and women’s autonomy in the youth environment (special attention shall be given to gender violence and all exclusion expression and discrimination based on gender).
4. To reduce youth mortality
5. To improve health among teenagers, especially among young women under the broad perspective of sexual and reproductive health.
6. To reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections among young populations.
Environment, Sustainable Development and Participation
7. To promote youth participation on finding solutions to the development problems, including environmental sustainability.
Global Economy, Cooperation and Employment
8. To foster a global association for development that promotes access and use of information and communication technologies; innovation training; entrepreneurship; access to quality employments in national and international markets and universal recognition of youth’s rights.
We appreciate the light you can drop on these matters and we thank you in advance for all your contributions.
Vanesa González-Rizzo Krasniansky
Programme Deputy Director
World Youth Conference 2010
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