---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kenny Oh <oh.kenny.oh@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/1/26
Subject: Fwd: 亚洲调查 : 2010年1月26日
To: koh@asiacatalyst.org
From: Kenny Oh <oh.kenny.oh@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/1/26
Subject: Fwd: 亚洲调查 : 2010年1月26日
To: koh@asiacatalyst.org
This Week on Asia Report:
・ 柬埔寨:实施针具交换项目的非营利组织Korsang的执照年检未获通过
・ 2010年3月26日-28日 : 4th ILGA-Asia Regional Conference - 第四届国际男同性恋协会 --亚洲区域大会
- Cambodia: No Charges of Genocide of Khmer Krom
- Cambodia: License in Limbo for Drug NGO
- March 26-28, 2010: 4th International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association - Asia Regional Conference
- South Korea's New Rules on HIV Cause Confusion
*Coming in February 2010: A Law Database, including HIV/AIDS-related laws from countries including China, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam!
Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst
★杯葛比尔与梅林达盖茨基金会在中国 Boycott Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in China https://sites.google.com/site/boycottgatesfoundation/
"China AIDS Group中国艾滋病网络 论坛"
A:要在此论坛发帖,请发电子邮件到 chinaaidsgroup@googlegroups.com
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C:Contact us: chinaaidsgroup@gmail.com
★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum: http://www.AIDSmuseum.cn
――艾博维客 AIDS Wiki : http://www.AIDSwiki.org
――中国艾滋病网络( Email Group with over 2400 members):http://www.ChinaAIDSgroup.org 【http://chinaaidsgroup.blogspot.com 】
――中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:http://www.AIDSmaps.org
――艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.AIDSrights.net
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