
【China AIDS:5355】 IDAHO Hong Kong 2010 國際不再恐同日香港區跨宗教座談會Inter-faith Seminar in Hong Kong

2010      國際不再恐同日












    時間:2:30 – 5:30pm

    地點:九龍佑寧堂 (九龍佐敦道四號 地鐵B出口)



法護法師       (佛門網總編輯)

佐敦布達殊      (香港聯合猶太會行委員會成員,禮儀委員會副主席)

余國斌先生          (香港人文哲學會,道教徒)

胡露茜博士       (基督教神學教育工作者)

虞瑋倩小姐       (離教者)

文可風先生         (同志基督徒)


查詢及報名:香港基督徒學會 2398-1699 電郵至info@hkci.org.hk


International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) Campaign 2010: Religions, homophobia, transphobia.


Inter-faith Seminar in Hong Kong


Organizer: Blessed Minority Christain Fellowship (BMCF)

Co-organizers: Mind Sitting, Kowloon Union Church, The Fellowship for Social Concerns of The Church of Christ in China Shum Oi Church, Back to Christ, Hong Kong Christian Institute (HKCI), and Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (UUHK) 


The theme of this year's International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) is "Religions, homophobia, transphobia."  We in Hong Kong are remembering the people of different sexual orientations and sexual identities who are suffering from unnecessary misunderstandings, discriminations, and even physical violence, under the homophobic cultural and religious atmospheres in various corners of the world.  In this inter-faith seminar, representatives from various religious groups in Hong Kong come together to urge putting aside differences among religions on the basis of tolerance and compassion common all religions to create hope and space for reconciliation between religion and sexual minorities.



Ven. Dhammapala  (Chief Editor of Buddhist Door)

Jordan Potash      (Executive Committee Member of the United Jewish

Congregation of Hong Kong, Co-chair, Ritual Committee)

Mr. Ben Yu        (Hong Kong Society of Humanistic Philosophy, Taoist)

Dr. Rose Wu       (Christian Theological Educator)

Ms Virginia Yue    (Ex-Christian)

Mr. Man Ho Fung   (Gay Christian)



Inter-faith Seminar

Date: 15 May 2010 (Sat)

Time: 2:30pm – 5:30pm

Venue: Kowloon Union Church, 4 Jordan Road, Kowloon (MTR Jordan Station exit B)

Moderator: "Fastbeat"

Enquiry and registration: 2398 1699  or  email to : info@hkci.org.hk

★杯葛比尔与梅林达盖茨基金会在中国 Boycott Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in China https://sites.google.com/site/boycottgatesfoundation/
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——中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:http://www.AIDSmaps.org
——艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.AIDSrights.net
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