If you cannot view this email, please click http://hkpride.net/2011/tc/eflyer1.php
香港同志遊行2011 2011·11·12 東角道 --> 修頓球場 | |  | |  | | Hong Kong Pride Parade 2011 2011·11·12 East Point Road--> Southorn Playground |
| |  | | Hong Kong Pride Parade 2011 Announcement: For Queer. For Love. For Equality on 11.12 | The Hong Kong Pride Parade Committee is extremely pleased to announce that Hong Kong Pride Parade will be on Saturday, November 12. | The Committee is pleased to announce its theme for the 2011 Hong Kong Pride Parade: "For Queer. For Love. For Equality." | This year's event will be the 3rd Pride event in the city. | For more information about the Hong Kong Pride Parade 2011, contact info@hkpride.net. To register for the parade, be our volunteer, to obtain a exhibition booth or to check on the event listing and entertainment schedule, visit the website at www.hkpride.net. | Facebook: | www.facebook.com/hongkongpride | Contact: | info@hkpride.net | Website: | www.hkpride.net | Donation: | Hang Seng Bank Number:228-273744-883 (Hong Kong Pride Parade Co.) | | | |
★艾博法律热线(AIBO Law Hotline):15501137876
★China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly (CYHAA) 共享网盘:
http://oeo.la/I4gf8 -~----------~----~----~----~-
"China AIDS Group中国艾滋病网络"
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C:Contact: Chang Kun 13349108944 changkun2010@gmail.com
——艾博维客 AIDS Wiki :
http://www.AIDSwiki.org ——艾博聚合(艾滋病博客群
http://www.wanyanhai.org ——China AIDS Email Group with over 2400 members:
http://chinaaidsgroup.blogspot.com ——空腹健身运动:
http://www.HungerStrikeforAIDS.org ——艾滋人权 AIDS Rights:
http://www.AIDSrights.net ——为艾滋病防治努力一生:
Http://www.changkun.org ★ 凡是挑釁、謾罵、非理性、過於情緒性、胡亂批評和無意義之言論,或是匿名人士之言論,以及所發表意見出現有不雅、粗鄙之文字等,本郵件組將不予以顯示!