
【China AIDS:4838】 Fwd: 亚洲调查 : 2009年11月9日-11月15日

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kenny Oh <oh.kenny.oh@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/11/8
Subject: 亚洲调查 : 2009年11月9日-11月15日
To: koh@asiacatalyst.org


This Week on Asia Report:

  • "艾滋住房2010"奖学金项目的主要资助对象是住房不稳定与艾滋病问题方面的专家、学者、同仁以及在这方面有切身体验的人群
  • 柬埔寨:政府乐于发放土地  - 2007年以来,已经有20,000亩土地交给了贫困且残疾的退伍军人。
  • 柬埔寨:法院维持莫淑华原判 -  上诉法院支持对立法机关反对派人士莫淑华(Mu Sochua)的判决。森朗西党议员认为这一结果是"政治驱使"的。
  • 人权活动家抗议刚刚毕会的东盟首脑会议 -  上周五,柬埔寨及一些区域性的人权团体对五位人权活动人士被拒绝参加在第15届东盟首脑会议上举行的人权组织代表与地区性领导人会晤一事进行了抨击;这使得东盟推出的期待已久的人权监督机构蒙上了一层阴影。
  • 印度:泰米尔纳德邦的贱民们(达利人)不顾反对而进入寺庙 -  位于泰米尔纳德邦NagapattinamChettipulam村的达利人在一群警察面前进入了Amman Sametha Ekambareshwarar寺庙。而1014日在一群反对达利人进入寺庙的闹事者与警察发生冲突时造成了紧张的局势。

  • The “Housing at AIDS 2010” Scholarship Program will award a limited number of competitive scholarships to assist as many people working on and/or impacted by housing instability and HIV/AIDS. Those interested in applying for a scholarship should fill out the attached Scholarship Application. Applications are due December 15th, 2009.
  • Cambodia: Government hails land concessions -  The government has given away more than 20,000 hectares of state land since 2007 as social land concessions to the families of poor and disabled war veterans as a supplement to their national pensions, according to a statement issued by Prime Minister Hun Sen. 
  • Cambodia: Court upholds Mu Sochua letter -  The Court of Appeal has upheld the defamation conviction of opposition lawmaker Mu Sochua, an outcome the opposition Sam Rainsy Party parliamentarian described as "politically motivated". 
  • Activists protest closed ASEAN summit - Cambodian and regional human rights groups have slammed the exclusion of five activists from a meeting with regional leaders at the 15th ASEAN simmit, overshadowing the launch of the bloc's long-awaited human rights commission.
  • India: Dalits defy opposition to enter temple in Tamil Nadu -  Dalits in Chettipulam village entered the Kamakshi Amman Sametha Ekambareshwarar temple in the presence of a huge police gathering.  Tensions prevailed when a mob opposing the dalits' entry into the temple clashed with police.   

Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst

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