Globally, 30% of women suffer physical violence at least once from a male partner, and in multi-country studies done by the UN, nearly 20% of women say that their first sexual experience was forced.
Violence against women and girls is a gross violation of human rights. It is both a consequence and a cause of women's social, economic, cultural and political disempowerment and marginalization.
While the primary perpetrator of gender-based violence is usually male, men and boys are also essential agents of change to prevent and end it. Men and boys should question oppressive gender stereotypes, oppose harmful cultural norms and practices, and act to transform institutions and structures that help reinforce gender inequities in public and private spheres. It is encouraging that the Asia-Pacific region is now home to many violence prevention initiatives with a focus on working with men and boys.
In the Philippines for instance, the group MOVE or Men Opposed to Violence against Women Everywhere works with men to encourage behavioral changes and address gender-based violence and discrimination. In India, Men's Action for Stopping Violence against Women (MASVAW), an unregistered network of individuals and social organizations, campaigns to involve men in fighting for gender justice and work in 20 districts of Uttar Pradesh state through district forums with various groups such as adolescent boys in schools, colleges and university, academicians, journalists, advocates and social activists. The Cambodian Men's Network (CMN) strives to eliminate all forms of violence against women by conducting policy advocacy and building networks and alliances at the grassroot level to mobilize men for gender equality.
Men who resort to violence do so mainly because they are conditioned by patriarchal cultural norms to equate manhood with aggression, dominance over women and sexual conquest. This has serious health implications both for men and their sexual partners. Studies indicate that traditional men's gender roles discourage consistent condom use and promote risky sexual behaviors as manly. Women suffering from gender-based violence are shown to be more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and other diseases.
Strategies to engage men and boys for gender equality must lead them to believe it is in their own interests to promote gender equality. Messages of non-violence and respect for women's rights are more effective when they emanate from men and boys, especially those holding social, political and economic powers. Male decision-makers and leaders should be actively involved in the formulation, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of gender equality policies and programs. Gender-sensitivity trainings should be conducted for male-dominated institutions, including those of the police, the armed forces, the judiciary and the private sectors to mainstream gender into its institutional processes and organizational culture.
Men and boys must be mobilized in promoting equal access to and enjoyment of: the right to inheritance and property ownership; universal access to reproductive health services and commodities; employment, educational and vocational training opportunities; gender equitable parenting and caretaking; the right to participate in public and cultural life, just to name a few. Progress in these areas will go a long way in reaching gender parity in economic development and political participation, which not only empowers women but also drives growth and reduces poverty.
Transforming long-held attitudes also requires effective social marketing involving a cross-gender alliance of civil society organizations, the media, educators, the private sector, faith-based organizations and community groups (both men's and women's groups). By coming together, coalitions of people committed to gender equality can promote sharing of good practices, data, lessons learnt and other resource tools. Strong coalitions are also more persuasive in sending positive messages on masculinities, carry greater political clout and enhance impact of advocacy at various levels.
Finally, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of teaching boys to respect girls and women. We should conduct critical reviews of curricula, including at early stages of the formal education system, provide gender training for educators and others who deal with young people, promote knowledge sharing and cooperation between NGOs and ministries of education, prioritize gender equality as one of the valued educational outcomes (not just literacy and numeracy), and promote respect for girls' and women' sexual and reproductive health and rights in sexuality education.
A society that denies security and progress to its women can sustain neither. Violence diminishes us all and to end it we need a willing coalition of women and men, girls and boys committed to realizing a peaceful, equal and just society.
Shiwei Ye is an activist based in Thailand.
Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst
P.O. Box 20839
New York, NY 10009
Tel: +1-718-514-2855
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