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The National AIDS Housing Coalition <nahc@nationalaidshousing.org> Date: Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 12:48 AM
Subject: Call for Abstracts Extended to March 22, 2010: 2010 Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit
changkunchina@gmail.com | | | National AIDS Housing Coalition | | | | | | | | | North American Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit March 9th, 2010 Call for Abstracts Deadline Extended The due date for the submission of abstracts for the North American Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit, Toronto, Ontario, has been extended to March 22, 2010. Both research and policy abstracts are encouraged, and abstracts may be submitted for oral or poster presentations. Notification of acceptance will be emailed no later than April 16, 2010. Conference fees will be waived for presenting authors.
Early Bird registration for the Summit- April 23,2010. The Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit series is an interdisciplinary, interactive forum for the presentation of research findings on the relationship of housing status and HIV prevention and care, coupled with dialogue on public policy implications and strategies. Summit V continues the collaboration between the U.S. National AIDS Housing Coalition (NAHC) and the Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN) as co-convening organizations, working in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Abstracts may be no more than 600 words and must include the presentation title and a complete list of authors including affiliations. We hope that you will be able to participate in Summit V and will consider submitting an abstract.
For more information on the Summit and to view the Call for Abstracts, please visit the Summit website
*Apologies for cross- postings.* ____________________ About National AIDS Housing Coalition: The National AIDS Housing Coalition (NAHC) is a 501(c)(3) organization founded in February 1994. NAHC works to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by ensuring that persons living with HIV/AIDS have quality, affordable and appropriate housing. NAHC accomplishes this through policy and resource advocacy, fostering and disseminating research, and convening leaders to affect change at the local, national, and international level. To ensure that you receive all emails from NAHC add nahc@nationalaidshousing.org to your address book. | | | | |
Forward email | | | National AIDS Housing Coalition | 727 15th Street NW, 11th Floor | Washington | DC | 20005 | |
xinheyichina@gmail.com --
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