We are collecting info about grassroots Asian NGOs representing marginalized communities (LGBT, IDU, sex worker, ethnic minorities, etc) who submitted abstracts to IAC and were turned down. 我们亚洲促进会现在开始手机关于所申请在国际艾滋大会发言被拒绝的草根机构的有关信息。
We plan to discuss this issue with IAC organizers later this week and see if they are willing to make any adjustments. If not, we would like to consider doing some other action at the conference to draw attention to and increase public understanding about this issue. 我们打算这个星期和艾滋病大会的主办机构联系,讨论这个问题,看他们是否愿意修改项目。如果他们不愿意,我们可能会讨论在会议上安排一些活动为了吸引更多人的了解和关注。
Please contact us if you represent an Asian grassroots NGO that was turned down. It would be helpful to have the name of the individual, contact information, organization, and the abstract. 如果你代表一个被拒绝的亚洲草根机构,请联系我们,并发个人的名字,机构,联系方法,和发言概要。
Once we've spoken with IAC, we will report back to everyone about what they said. If anyone has experience with the process and would like to share advice, please contact us -- this week, if possible.我们和国际大会将了以后会告诉大家他们的说法。如果其他人想提什么建议,请这个星期之内联系我们。
Meg Davis
Asia Catalyst, www.asiacatalyst.org
On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 5:51 AM, Suben Dhakal <subendhakal@yahoo.com> wrote:
-- Dear,I am from Nepal and from Federation of Sexual and Gender Minorities , Nepal. My abstract has not been approved.I would like to share our policies , practise, law towards Nepali LGBTI. But I am not success. I could do my presentation best, but my written English is average. I think they rejected my proposal on the basis of my written English. But I think the organiser should motivate grass root member to be in the forum considering their capacity to read and write English fluently.Kind RegardsManisha
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