FRIDA Launches First Call for Proposals(针对年轻女性和跨性别组织)
- 发布时间:2011-12-21 22:28:33 | 点击数量:117
FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund mobilizes resources, funds and strengthens the participation and leadership of young feminist activists globally. The goal of The Young Feminist Fund (FRIDA) is to provide accessible, strategic and responsive funding for young feminist-led initiatives, and to strengthen the capacity of young feminist organizations to both leverage their own resources and increase their social change impact. FRIDA invites applications from groups led by young women and transgender youth under 30 years of age for grants of up to USD 5,000.
Who Can Participate? Informal and formal groups founded and led by young women or transgender youth (under 30 years) that are committed to:
• Advancing and defending women’s human rights;
• Improving the lives of young women/transgender youth at local, national, regional or international levels;
• Inclusive organizing, collective action and movement building.
• Informal and formal groups, networks, or collectives based in the Global South (Africa, Asia and the Pacific, The Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean and Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States).
Priority will be given to:
• Small, emerging grassroots groups, networks, or collectives with little or no access to funding from larger donors.
• Groups, networks, or collectives that are working on emerging or issues that otherwise get limited funding.
• Groups, networks, or collectives located in remote underserved areas.
• Groups, networks, or collectives that are diverse in their membership and made up of and/or working with socially marginalized young women including but not limited to: refugees, ethnic, national and caste minorities, rural women, urban poor, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, women living with HIV/AIDS, sex workers, women with disabilities, women living in armed conflicts and post conflict zones.
Who is NOT supported by FRIDA?
• Groups or organizations that display an intolerant attitude towards others on the basis of identity including: age, religion, sex, race/ethnicity, disability, class or sexual orientation.
• Groups working with young women and transgender youth but led by individuals (over 30 years of age).
• Scholarships, internship or school fees
• Doctoral or other research
• Groups with access to large funders
• Proposals submitted by individuals, government institutions, political organizations or religious groups.
Funding Amounts and Length of Grant FRIDA provides grants of up to USD 5,000. They are general support grants to be used over a period of 12 months but are open to renewal.
Be Part of the Selection Process…You Decide! As part of our commitment to movement building FRIDA engages young feminist activists in the grant decision-making process. We view this as a collective decision-making process. Applicants who meet FRIDA’s criteria are expected to vote for their top proposal choices and give comments on their selections (groups may not vote for their own proposals). In voting, we ask that groups keep in mind what they think is important for the promotion and defense of the rights of young women in their region and globally. After voting the results are tallied and grantees are selected.
Expectations of Successful Groups: All grantees will be required to sign a grant agreement, which will outline accounting, reporting, and other terms and conditions regarding how funds will be distributed. Further details on reporting will be provided after grants have been approved.
Important Things To Remember:
• Before completing the application, please read the application guidelines to determine your eligibility. Also, you can review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the FRIDA Website at
• You do not need to be a legally registered group to apply but you will need to have access to a bank account that can receive international funds. FRIDA is financially hosted by the Tides Foundation (a 501c3 in the United States). If your proposal is successful grant payments will be made through this Foundation.
• All applications must directly benefit young women and/or transgender youth and must address issues central to women’s human rights.
• Proposals should reflect FRIDA’s vision and mission. You can review our core values and principles on the FRIDA website at
• Grant requests should not exceed USD 5,000 (or be below USD 500) and your request should be submitted in US Dollars.
• You may submit your application in ONE of the following languages: English French Spanish Russian andArabic.,,
• You can submit only ONE proposal in each funding cycle per group.
• FRIDA recognizes the value of general support and encourages groups to prioritize resources according to their own needs. For example some groups may consider using FRIDA funds to cover staff, administration, or organizational costs while others may use funds to support establishing infrastructure or project related costs. FRIDA is committed to funding feminist activism and will cover costs that allow groups to engage in their work more effectively.
• Applications must be received by FRIDAY 20th January 2012
• The grant decision-making process will be completed by March 2012. Funds will be distributed shortly after.
HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION The deadline for applying is FRIDAY JANUARY 20th 2012. All Applications must be received by 5pm EST. If you think your group is eligible to apply for a grant from FRIDA, you can submit your application by: Email, Mail or Fax.
You will find the Word Version of the application form below: ENGLISH FRIDA Application Form(Eng) FRENCH FRIDA Application Form (FR) SPANISH FRIDA Applicacion (ES) RUSSIAN FRIDA Application Form (RU) ARABIC FRIDA Application Form (ARABIC)
Email: You may email your completed application to:
Mail & Fax your application to:
FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund c/o The Association for Women’s Rights in Development 215 Spadina Avenue., Suite 150, Toronto, ON M5T 2C7 Canada
Tel: +416.594.3773 Fax: +416. 594. 0330
NOTE: Please read the form thoroughly beforehand and fill it out as completely as possible. We strongly encourage you to submit your application by email. All applicants will receive a confirmation email indicating that we have received your proposal.
For more information, please email:
Twitter: @FRIDAfund
Chang Kun
Phone: 13349108944
QQ: 582765214
Skype: chinachangkun
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★China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly (CYHAA) 共享网盘:
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C:Contact: Chang Kun 13349108944
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