
【China AIDS:7051】 [截至2.29]2012年第19届国际艾滋病大会红丝带奖接受提名


  • 发布时间:2011-12-21 23:21:36 | 点击数量:245


红丝带奖(The Red Ribbon Award )是在每2年中的国际艾滋病大会颁出,旨在奖励和表彰那些做出突出贡献并基于社区的艾滋病团体。中国的艾滋病组织“艾滋关怀”(Aids Care China)曾于2006年第16届加拿大多伦多国际艾滋病大会获得此奖。

目前该奖正在接受基于社区并致力于减少艾滋病传播和影响的非营利组织奖金申请,被选中的组织将在2012年7月11日-27日华盛顿特区召开的第19届国家艾滋病大会(The XIXInternational AIDS Conference)上被授予高达1万美金的奖金。


2012年的红丝带奖(The Red Ribbon Award )将给予以下有突出贡献的社区组织:






申报方式:提名者可以在线提交或者通过EMAIL提交,最终递交时间是2012年2月29日,相关的链接:Link。(文社人权教育中心 志愿者 编译)

The call for nominations for the 2012 Red Ribbon Award is now open. As in the past, the award honors and recognizes exceptional grassroots leadership in responding to the AIDS epidemic. Nominations are accepted from 1 December 2011 until 29 February 2012.

Ten community-based organizations will be selected through a community-led process and invited to attend the XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC from 22 to 27 July 2012 where they will have the opportunity to showcase their work. All ten organizations will receive US$10,000 each.

The Red Ribbon Award 2012 will be given to community groups for outstanding leadership in responding to AIDS in one or more of the following categories:

1.        Prevention of Sexual Transmission – Work to prevent sexual transmission including (but not limited to) among young people, men who have sex with men and transmission in the context of sex work

2.        Prevention among people who use drugs – Work to prevent HIV infections among people who use drugs

3.        Treatment, care and support – Work to improve access to antiretroviral therapy, essential care and support for people living with HIV, their families, loved ones and dependents including services to limit TB deaths among people living with HIV

4.        Advocacy and Human Rights – Advocating for abolishing punitive laws, discrimination and harmful practices around HIV transmission, sex work, drug use, transgender populations or homosexuality that block effective responses including (but not limited to) HIV-related national restrictions on entry, stay and residence - Work to end stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV their families, loved ones and dependents – Work to end gender-based violence in the context of the AIDS epidemic.

5.        Stopping new HIV infections in children and keeping mothers alive, Women’s Health – Work to prevent vertical transmission of HIV, and AIDS-related maternal mortality – Work to address the HIV-specific needs of women and girls.

Are you eligible?


Chang Kun

Phone: 13349108944
QQ: 582765214
Skype: chinachangkun

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