
【China AIDS:4601】 Re: ICAAP plans/ICAAP 计划


2009/7/21 Meg Davis <mdavis@asiacatalyst.org>

9届亚太国际艾滋病大会(ICAAP IX)将于200989日至813日在印度尼西亚巴厘举行。为了帮助中国艾滋病非政府组织代表团参与此次大会,亚洲促进会宣的活动将包括:

The 9th International Conference on HIV/AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP IX) will take place in Bali, Indonesia from August 9th to 13th. In order to support Chinese AIDS NGOs to participate in this conference, Asia Catalyst will arrange the following activities.

1. 翻译:我们将资助两位中国同事作为汉英翻译人员。而且,亚洲促进会的几名工作人员(王翠风,吉思涵,王凯如)都可以说流利的中文。有问题的话,参加大会的中国NGO同事可以随时来找我们。

1. Translations: We are supporting two Chinese colleagues to be translators at the conference. In addition, Asia Catalyst staffpeople (Meg Davis, Gisa Hartmann and Carol Wang) can also speak Chinese. Chinese NGO colleagues are encouraged to contact any of us if you have questions.


2. Meeting information: We have translated the conference program into Chinese (see attached). Our Chinese website, Asia Report, will be a resource for information on the conference. Please check in at www.yazhoudiaocha.com.

3. 卫星会议:亚洲促进会将在810日主持一次卫星会议。主题是: 亚洲艾滋病非政府组织受到的限制. 发言人将包括Anand Grover (联合国关于健康权的特别报告员), Holly Bradford (柬埔寨Korsang吸毒者机构主任)Raymond Tai (马来西亚 PT Foundation主任)和李丹(中国,东珍主任). 会议目标是1)给发言人员和听众一个机会为了一起讨论亚洲艾兹机构和减少伤害机构在很多国家所预见的限制,包括减少伤害工作人员在东南亚很多国家被抓,组织网站在中国缅甸被关闭,等问题;2)为了和联合国代表讨论未来的倡导战略和机会,和讨论怎么能和亚洲各个地方的机构合作为了互相帮忙。

Satellite session: Asia Catalyst will sponsor a satellite meeting on August 10th. The subject is “Restrictions on AIDS NGOs in Asia. The speakers will include Anand Grover (UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health), Holly Bradford (Executive Director of Korsang, a Cambodian harm reduction group), Raymond Tai (Executive Director of PT Foundation in Malaysia) and Li Dan (Executive Director, Dongzhen). The purpose of the meeting is to 1) give speakers an opportunity to discuss with audience members about the restrictions faced by AIDS NGOs and harm reduction NGOs in many countries, including arrests of harm reduction workers in Southeast Asia, and the shutdown of AIDS NGOs and websites in China and Burma, as well as other questions; 2) To discuss with the UN representative about future advocacy strategies and opportunities, and to explore how NGOs in each part of Asia could support and help each other.

4。晚会:亚洲调查(www.yazhoudiaocha.com)将在810日晚上卫星会议结束后举办为欢迎中国艾滋病活动者而举办的接待会。欢迎所来参加大会的人来晚会。有关消息会在www.asiacatalyst.org, www.yazhoudiaocha.com发表,也在我们的Facebook Cause (Asia Catalyst) 发表:http://apps.facebook.com/causes/117443?m=3f1cca43.

4. Party: Asia Report (www.yazhoudiaocha.com) will hold a party on August 10th, after the satellite meeting. We welcome everyone attending ICAAP to join us at the party. Information about time and location will be posted at www.asiacatalyst.org,  www.yazhoudiaocha.com, and on our Facebook Cause, Asia Catalyst, http://apps.facebook.com/causes/117443?m=3f1cca43.


See you in Bali! 在巴厘再见!

Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst

Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst

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★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum: http://www.AIDSmuseum.cn
——艾博维客 AIDS Wiki : http://www.AIDSwiki.cn
——中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:http://www.AIDSmaps.org
——艾滋人权 AIDS Rights:  http://www.AIDSrights.net

