
【China AIDS:4609】 联合国经社理事会支持UNAIDS关于扩大MSM和跨性别人士获得艾滋病服务的工作

联合国经社理事会欢迎颁布的"联合国艾滋病规划署行动框架:和男人发生性关系的男人(MSM)和跨性别人士(TG)普遍获得" ,以及已经开始的后续行动;呼吁联合国艾滋病规划署和其他合作伙伴,支持进一步的行动和加强伙伴关系,以解决普遍获得面临的政治、社会、法律和经济的障碍,作为商定的统一预算和工作计划的优先事项。
Welcomes the promulgation of the "UNAIDS Action Framework: Universal Access for Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender People", and the follow-up action that is already under way, and calls on UNAIDS and other partners to support further action and strengthen partnerships to address the political, social, legal and economic barriers to universal access, as part of the agreed Unified Budget and Workplan priorities.
From: John Fisher <john@arc-international.net>
To: "sogi-list@arc-international.net" <sogi-list@arc-international.net>
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:14:43 AM
Subject: [sogi] ECOSOC resolution on AIDS

Hi all,

The attached resolution was adopted by consensus today at the UN Economic and Social Council.

Historically, the resolution welcomes the efforts of UNAIDS to advance universal access for men who have sex with men and transgender people (see, eg, para 20).

This represents an exciting step forward for the ECOSOC, which in the past has refused to acknowledge the specific needs of MSM and other marginalised communities (an approach described by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan as "like putting your head in the sand".)

It may also be the first UN resolution ever to reference the word "transgender" (but not the last!)

Congratulations to those at UNAIDS who worked to make this happen!

On Monday, the ECOSOC will vote on whether to grant UN consultative status to the Brasilian NGO ABGLT.

Best wishes,

John Fisher
Co-Director, ARC International
62, rue de Vermont, #44
Geneva 1202
Ph: +41-22-733-4705
Cell: +41-79-508-3968
Fax: +41-22-734-4761

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——艾滋人权 AIDS Rights:  http://www.AIDSrights.net

