National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) Fellowship
Through RWI’s international development projects and through its various research initiatives, RWI strives to be a meeting point for theory and practice in the implementation of human rights. To further support these efforts RWI is offering an eight month NHRI Fellowship. The aim of the fellowship programme is to expand the understanding of the role NHRIs play in promoting and protecting human rights, to support research associated with NHRIs, and to help facilitate dialogue between NHRI scholars and practitioners.
The Fellow will have the opportunity to further her/his professional development by conducting research related to NHRIs and interacting with leading human rights scholars and expert NHRI practitioners from around the world. It is expected that the Fellow will be based at RWI for the eight month fellowship period and that she/he will not have any other professional commitments during that time period. The Fellow is also required during the course of the fellow-ship to complete a research project resulting in a written work. The Fellow will form part of the RWI research and academic community and be expected to contribute to RWI NHRI related lectures, seminars, and workshops, and to provide feedback on RWI related NHRI initiatives that are ongoing or under development.
Funding and Facilities
The NHRI Fellow will be provided with a stipend sufficient to fully cover all necessary personal expense in Sweden. In addition to the stipend, the Fellow will be provided with a modest travel allowance to support costs travelling to/from Lund, office space, computer/Internet connections, acute medical insurance, and access to the RWI library and its unique collection of NHRI materials.
Human rights practitioners and scholars with in-depth knowledge of and/or experience working with NHRIs are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to scholars who hold post graduate degrees, and to practitioners with law degrees (LLB or JD) and a solid track record working with or for NHRIs. The Fellow must be able to write and speak English fluently.
Eligible candidates should submit their applications containing a research outline (of not more than 5 page addressing the NHRI related research to be undertaken while based at RWI), CV, two letters of recommendation, and motivational statement by 8 February 2010. Applications should be sent to the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Att: Jason Naum, Box 1155, 221 05 Lund, SWEDEN, or by e-mail to
The fellowship is expected to start in March 2010 however an alternative start date may be considered. For further information, please contact Mr. Jason Naum, Head of NHRI Unit, Department of International Programmes, +46 (0) 46 222 12 16 (, or Dr. Christina Johnsson, Head of the Department for Research, Academic Education, Publications and the Library, +46 (0) 46 222 12 42 (
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