
【China AIDS:5201】 亚洲艾滋法律数据库

亚洲促进会今日宣布: 从今日起将正式启动亚洲艾滋法律数据库。该数据库属于亚洲调查网站,旨在为大家提供关于亚洲地区艾滋病相关法规信息之免费易用的资源。数据库内容涵盖多个领域,包括血液安全、歧视、药品政策、知识产权、医学治疗和性工作。另外还提供了领域广泛的文件资料,从条约和国家法律到非政府组织的政策。亚洲促进会的工作人员、实习生、志愿者和董事会共同创造了这一项目。我们邀请您访问这里,并希望处在亚洲的律师,专家和机构能题给我们其他艾滋相关法规为了在据库发表。

Asian AIDS Law Database Launches Online


(Gejiu, China, March 9, 2010) -- Asia Catalyst is proud to announce the “public beta” launch of its Asian AIDS Law Database.  The database is a free, user-friendly resource, searchable in Chinese and English, to help researchers to find HIV/AIDS-related statutes throughout Asia. It is the first database exclusively dedicated to this purpose.


With the “public beta” launch, Asia Catalyst invites lawyers, experts and organizations to share AIDS-related laws and policies from around Asia that may not yet be online. The database has over 100 records, ranging from Cambodia’s draft law on drug control to the national policy on HIV/AIDS of Bangladesh.


“The database will enable lawyers to analyze AIDS-related laws, and use them in their own advocacy,” said Ken Oh, editor of Asia Report (http://www.yazhoudiaocha.com), the news site that hosts the database. “Asian AIDS activists tell us that some governments are more responsive to model language from another Asian law.”


The project was born in response to growing demand from Asian AIDS advocates engaged in legal analysis and advocacy. The database was created by a volunteer team of law students and pro bono lawyers working with Asia Catalyst.


Asia Report, the Asia Catalyst-sponsored site that hosts the database, provides Chinese and English-language news about economic and social rights in North, South and Southeast Asia, with links to Asian rights groups, and announcements of upcoming conferences and events.


Asian AIDS Law Database users may choose countries, topics and levels of government from drop-down menus in both English and Chinese. The database will provide the text of the law or policy and a link to its location online. All records are in English, with Chinese translations provided where available.


“The international AIDS law field is growing quickly,” said  Ken Oh.“We hope our colleagues in Asia will use the database to analyze existing laws – and draft new ones.”


The database may be visited at http://www.yazhoudiaocha.com/laws/.


Asia Catalyst is a US-based resource for grassroots organizations working on HIV/AIDS in Asia. For more information, please see our website at www.asiacatalyst.org.

Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst
P.O. Box 20839
New York, NY 10009
Tel: +1-718-514-2855

★杯葛比尔与梅林达盖茨基金会在中国 Boycott Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in China https://sites.google.com/site/boycottgatesfoundation/
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★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum: http://www.AIDSmuseum.cn
――艾博维客 AIDS Wiki : http://www.AIDSwiki.org
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――中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:http://www.AIDSmaps.org
――艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.AIDSrights.net
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