
【China AIDS:5261】 Fwd: [AIDS ASIA] WHO clueless on global TB picture. The World TB Day is on 24 March 2010

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From: <AIDS_ASIA-owner@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 8:13 PM
Subject: [AIDS ASIA] WHO clueless on global TB picture. The World TB Day is on 24 March 2010
To: AIDS_ASIA@yahoogroups.com


[The World TB Day is on 24 March 2010. For more information, please go to: http://stoptb.org/events/world_tb_day/2010/]

WHO clueless on global TB picture

05:55 AM Mar 20, 2010
LONDON - The World Health Organization (WHO) says it doesn't have enough information to know if it is winning the fight against drug-resistant tuberculosis. In a new report on the global status of drug-resistant TB based on data from 2008, the agency says almost half of all people with the disease are in China and India, with both countries reporting about 100,000 new cases each.

High rates of drug-resistant TB strains were also seen in eastern Europe, central Asia, with up to 60 per cent of TB victims in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan developing drug-resistant versions.

About 4 per cent of all TB cases worldwide are thought to be drug resistant. WHO estimates between 390,000 and 510,000 cases of drug-resistant TB in 2008, including about 150,000 people who died.

The report is based on information from 35 countries worldwide, leaving a huge gap in the global TB picture.

"The country data reported to WHO make it impossible at this time to conclude whether the (drug-resistant TB) epidemic worldwide is growing or shrinking," WHO said.

Drug-resistant tuberculosis usually arises when people are poorly treated or take substandard medicines. In Estonia, Latvia and Moldova, WHO said people infected with both HIV and TB were more likely to develop drug-resistant TB.

But there is no information from Africa where the most people with HIV live.

One cause of drug resistance are poorly manufactured medicines, mainly from India and China, said Mr Philip Stevens, a health policy expert at the London think-tank International Policy Network. Mr Stevens said the lack of global TB data was troubling.

"WHO doesn't really have a clue as to the true extent of the problem," he said. "It's difficult then, to start promoting targets and goals when you don't know what baseline you are starting from." AP

The full report 'Multidrug and Extensively Drug-Resistant
Tuberculosis: 2010 Global Report on Surveillance and Response' can be downloaded from http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2010/9789241599191_eng.pdf
and the Executive Summary from http://www.who.int/entity/tb/publications2010mdrtb2010report_executive_summary.pdf

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