
【China AIDS:5270】 Fwd: ITPC Call for proposals: CSO Health Policy Action Fund [3 Attachments]

The website is online on http://www.healthpolicyactionfund.org. Please distribute the call widely.

Civil Society Health Policy Action Fund

The International Health Partnership and related initiatives (IHP+) has launched a Civil Society Fund in 2010 which is open to support health organisations and coalitions in 21 IHP countries over a one-year period. The fund aims to support southern civil society organizations, networks and coalitions to become more effectively engaged in national health policy processes.
Supported by the grants, recipients will engage in dialogue with key national health stakeholders, health policy and implementation monitoring and analysis, and hold governments and aid donors accountable to work towards universal and equitable access to health care and the achievement of the health related Millennium Development Goals.
Who can apply for this Fund?
Ø This fund will be advertised in all 21 IHP+ countries with the aim of awarding grants to approximately 10 proposals with budgets between $25,000 to $30,000. Grants will be awarded based on the quality of the proposal and whether it meets the criteria for selection.
Ø The fund is open to applications from national health organizations, as well as health networks which could comprise service providers, health worker organizations, patient groups, non governmental organizations, community-based organizations, academic institutions, media, research and advocacy networks based in the 21 IHP Countries.
Ø Grantee applications will be required to show how they will build on - not duplicate or undermine - any existing mechanisms for CSO engagement in national heath policy dialogue and sector processes and performance monitoring.
Ø National organisations ,networks and coalitions are eligible and encouraged to apply. Proposals will also be considered from International NGO applicants who are part of a local civil society coalition.
Ø The effectiveness of an organisation or network will be considered to ensure that the organisation or network is large and/or effective enough to have impact, and that it truly represents the constituents it claims to represent.
Ø Organisations or networks applying will be required to meet basic partnership standards and criteria, including legal registration of the organisation, proven track record of transparent financial management, supported   with audited accounts, bank account details, and registered signatories.

Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst
P.O. Box 20839
New York, NY 10009
Tel: +1-718-514-2855

★杯葛比尔与梅林达盖茨基金会在中国 Boycott Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in China https://sites.google.com/site/boycottgatesfoundation/
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