中国青年艾滋病网络 2010年5月15日
近日,美联社、纽约时报、台湾中央电台等各大媒体报道,万延海先生于2010年5月6日,携带妻女前往美国。万老师对媒体表示,因为“机构(北京爱知行研究所)在国内发展受到当局各路封杀危机四伏,希望通过他的离开突破困局”。“因为现在外汇局的政策对外汇有严格管制。如果我们在国内用非正式的途径运行基金的话会有风险。作为法人代表,我离开实际上把风险转移了。……我觉得应该充分把这些问题讲出来让大家知道,对我们机构以及中国的民间社会发展都会是一个帮助,因为现在大家都在分头处理自己的困难,而且实际上是非常困难的。”(自由亚洲电台《中国NGO生态严峻 万延海出国望突围》)
Support Mr.Wan Yanhai In The Name Of HIV/AIDS Youth Activists
China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly May 15, 2010
Recently, the Associated Press, New York times, Taiwan's central radio and other major media report that Mr. Wan Yanhai fled to the United States with his wife and daughter on May 6, 2010. Mr. Wan said to the media, ‘Aizhixing Institute received much harassment from the authorities and faced crisis, he hoped his departure could make a breakthrough for the crisis. ’ ‘The State Administration of Foreign Exchange this year has tightened restrictions on overseas donations to independent domestic NGOs. It is at risk if we don’t receive the overseas donations in the official way. As a legal representative, actually, my leave transfers the risk. ……I think I should fully speak out these problems to let people know. It will be a great help for our institute and Chinese civil society development. Everybody deals with their difficulty separately; in fact, it is very difficult without cooperation.’(Radio Free Asia, Chinese NGOs Facing Harsh Environment, Wan Yanhai Break out By Going Abroad)
Wan Yanhai, 46 years old, began to fight against HIV/AIDS discrimination since 1989. In 1994, he found Beijing Aizhixing Institute, which was engaged in HIV/AIDS prevention, and it carried on much advocating work on HIV/AIDS anti-discrimination. It incubated many HIV/AIDS activists and workers. In 2002, Wan was the first international HIV/AIDS human rights awarder, which was granted by the Canada legal AIDS network. In the same year, Wan won the human rights defender award, which was granted by the international human rights alliance, and the Fulbright New Century Scholar award, as well as the Yale university scholar award.
China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly thinks that Mr. Wan will always fight for the Chinese HIV/AIDS epidemic. We believe, his leave is just a strategy and work method in current situation. We also believe that Mr. Wan just temporarily leaves to the USA; ultimately he will return to China to continue his beloved HIV/AIDS work!
China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly is a network for Chinese young people who care about HIV/AIDS work, so that we support Mr. Wan in the name of HIV/AIDS youth activists.
We hope that more and more people and organizations come out to support Mr. Wan and his appeals. At last, we expect that the Chinese HIV/AIDS NGOs and activists could break out the survival difficult as soon as possible!
If your support, please sent your name, occupation, location to
★杯葛比尔与梅林达盖茨基金会在中国 Boycott Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in China https://sites.google.com/site/boycottgatesfoundation/
★纪念雷诺舟在华工作 http://blog.sina.com.cn/leinuozhou
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★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum: http://www.AIDSmuseum.cn
――艾博维客 AIDS Wiki : http://www.AIDSwiki.org
――中国艾滋病网络( Email Group with over 2400 members):http://www.ChinaAIDSgroup.org 【http://chinaaidsgroup.blogspot.com 】
――中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:http://www.AIDSmaps.org
――艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.AIDSrights.net
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