
【China AIDS:6072】 亚洲减低上海网络支持田喜

Dear Mr. Michel Sidebe,

On the occasion of this 23rd World AIDS Day, we, at the Asian Harm Reduction Network, would like to urge you to pursue for immediate release of Chinese AIDS activist Tian Xi, and to urge you to demand that China establish a national compensation fund for people infected with HIV through blood sales and hospital blood transfusions.

Tian Xi is 23 years old living with HIV/AIDS. He was infected with HIV, when he was a child through blood transfusion from the state sponsored blood-selling program in 1990s. Like Tian Xi thousands of people in Henan and other provinces were also infected with HIV.

For the last five years Tian Xi has been campaigning for appropriate compensation for himself and others from the Government of China. Tian Xi has also been demanding the Chinese government to admit its culpability in the blood scandal and hold those directly responsible to account. Tian Xi's crusade has drawn the ire of the Chinese authorities and he has been frequently harassed and detained. He has currently been detained since August 2010 and is still awaiting a decision from his trial in the court that took place in September 2010.

He was charged with "suspicion of intentional destruction to property". He appears to have been lured back to Henan, with an official offer to try and resolve his complaints. However, when he got there he was refused to meet the officials and in a fit of anger broke several minor objects in a hospital, where he had gone to collect his ARV medicine. 

Tian Xi and other activists' frustration arises from the fact that Henan provincial courts refuse to accept any lawsuits relating to HIV/AIDS, leaving victims to a disaster with no recourse except petitioning. Although the Chinese authorities say that he is being charged on ordinary criminal grounds – "suspicion of intentional destruction of property" – it is obvious from the circumstances surrounding this case, that he was arrested because of his ongoing and persistent HIV/AIDS petitioning, not because of the hospital incident.

We urge you to immediately take up necessary actions and make 'Universal Access and Human Rights' truly meaningful


Ronny Waikhom

Network Coordinator, 
Asian Harm Reduction Network,
72/8 Moo1, Cholpratan Rd., 
Changpeuk, Muang, Chiang Mai, 50300 Thailand.

Telephone: 66 53 893175 (Ext-119)
Fax: 66 53 893176
Mobile: +66 835776740

★Archives for UNAIDS CCC http://www.HungerStrikeforAIDS.org/changkun
★中国青年艾滋病网络 共享网盘:http://oeo.la/Knbq8
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C:Contact: Chang Kun 13349108944 changkun2010@gmail.com
★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum: http://www.AIDSmuseum.cn
——艾博维客 AIDS Wiki : http://www.AIDSwiki.org
——China AIDS Email Group with over 2400 members:http://chinaaidsgroup.blogspot.com
——中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:http://www.AIDSmaps.org
——艾滋人权 AIDS Rights: http://www.AIDSrights.net
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