
【China AIDS:4658】 [翻译]印度Avahan艾滋病行动接受Bill Gates基金会赠款增加到338,000,000美元


Avahan AIDS Initiative Commitment Increased to $338 Million

印度Avahan 艾滋病行动承诺接受赠款增加到338000000美元


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Phone: +1.206.709.3400





盖茨先生(盖茨基金会的主席之一)将会在周五和Ghulam Nabi Azad先生讨论他们对于艾滋病预防的共同承诺,作为印度综合应对艾滋病中的一部分。


盖茨先生与Azad先生将会讨论关于从Avahan逐步转接给印度政府和其他伙伴的关键问题的计划。在这个过渡中, Avahan将提供财务和技术上的支持来确保预防项目能够持续进行。Avahan已经将100,000,000多美元以捐赠的形式投入到了该过渡计划中。

盖茨先生这个星期在德里代表盖茨基金会接受了Indira Gandhi和平奖(该奖包括在解除武装及发展上做出贡献),基金会是目前公认的"在全世界及印度的健康领域的先锋及慈善工作的模范。"



Avahan Programs Making Progress Against HIV



 "我们与Avahan得合作使为更多人提供被证明可行的HIV预防干预成为可能,"K. Sujatha RaoNACO秘书及总干事)说道。"再接下来的几年中,这一强有力的关系将会继续作为Avahan过渡到政府的重要方面。"






July 23, 2009 

Avahan AIDS Initiative Commitment Increased to $338 Million

Bill Gates and Health Minister Azad to reaffirm commitment to HIV prevention

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Phone: +1.206.709.3400
Email: media@gatesfoundation.org
DELHI -- Bill Gates announced today that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has increased its funding commitment to Avahan – an initiative to reduce the spread of HIV in India – to a total of $338 million.
Launched in 2003 by the Gates Foundation, Avahan provides funding and support to targeted HIV prevention programs in six Indian states and along the national trucking routes. Prior to today's announcement, the foundation had committed a total of $258 million to Avahan.
Mr. Gates, co-chair of the Gates Foundation, will meet on Friday with Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad, the Union Secretary for Health and Family Welfare, to discuss their shared commitment to prevention as part of India's comprehensive response to HIV/AIDS.
"Prevention is absolutely essential for fighting HIV, and will ultimately save millions of lives," said Mr. Gates. "I congratulate the Indian government for its leadership on HIV prevention, which can be a model for the rest of the world. Our foundation is committed to working with India over the long haul on a variety of critical health issues."
Mr. Gates and Mr. Azad will discuss plans to gradually transition key aspects of Avahan to the government of India and other partners. During this transition, Avahan will provide financial and technical support to ensure that prevention programs can be sustained over time. Avahan has already awarded more than $100 million in grants for this transition.
Mr. Gates is in Delhi this week to receive the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament, and Development on behalf of the Gates Foundation. The foundation is being recognized for "pioneering and exemplary philanthropic work around the world and in India in health."
As of July 2009, the foundation has committed nearly $1 billion for health and development projects in India. Globally it has committed approximately $11.95 billion in grants for global health
Avahan Programs Making Progress Against HIV
Avahan funding and support has helped a wide range of partners – including government agencies and more than 100 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – to significantly expand access to HIV prevention. Every month, Avahan-supported programs provide hundreds of thousands of people with risk-reduction counseling, access to condoms, treatment for sexually-transmitted infections, and other prevention services.
"Our collaboration with Avahan has made it possible to reach far more people with proven HIV prevention interventions," said K. Sujatha Rao, Secretary and Director General of NACO. "This strong partnership will continue as key aspects of Avahan transition to the government in the coming years."
While it is too early to fully assess Avahan's impact on HIV risk behaviors and infection rates, the early signs are encouraging. Data from some of Avahan's target areas suggest that sex workers have become more likely to use condoms, and that rates of sexually transmitted infections have decreased among people at risk. Several independent studies are underway to help evaluate Avahan's long-term impact.



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