
【China AIDS:4888】 是掘墓还是造墓(56)高耀洁在美国申请政治避难了???



今天早上起床的时候,感觉特别累,酸软,似乎有什么事情要被感觉到的样子。上午在我学习的时候,突然收到一条消息提示,说“has fled to the United States where she is seeking refuge” 直白点的翻译就是说她逃到了美国并且正在美国寻找避难所。有安替在他的twitter 上说“从美国政府消息渠道证实,中国著名艾滋维权者高耀洁医师已经在美申请政治避难”  。我非常的不愿意相信这个状况,我希望这个refuge 不是 political asylum。我通过网上dictionary.com检索这个词汇,显示1.  shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.: to take refuge from a storm;2.  a place of shelter, protection, or safety;3.  anything to which one has recourse for aid, relief, or escape.



  • Name Michael Anti
  • Location Beijing
  • Web http://www.fawjou...
  • Bio 安 替, A columnist, journalist on International affairs, independent blogger, Wolfson Press Fellow at Cambridge, and Nieman Fellow at Harvard.
  1. According to CECC, Famous Chinese HIV/AIDS activist Dr. Gao Yaojie "has fled to the United States where she is seeking refuge" about 7 hours ago from TweetDeck
  2. 从美国政府消息渠道证实,中国著名艾滋维权者高耀洁医师已经在美申请政治避难。"Dr. Gao has fled to the United States where she is seeking refuge." (from CECC) about 7 hours ago from TweetDeck
  3. 这篇新闻稿中提到,高耀洁教授“只有选择离开中国”,但没有说清楚高医师是否已经申请政治避难。http://is.gd/52HYg about 7 hours ago from TweetDeck
  4. With the combined efforts of ChinaAid and U.S. Gov't, Dr. Gao Yaojie recently left China in secret. 在对华援助协会協助下,高耀潔帶著書稿,秘密來到美國。 about 8 hours ago from TweetDeck
Upcoming Events


Gao Yaojie: Physician, Grandmother, and Whistleblower in China's Fight Against HIV/AIDS (12/03/09)

Thursday, December 3, 2009, 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Room 628, Dirksen Senate Office Building.

Dr. Gao Yaojie will give a first-hand account of her work in HIV/AIDS education, prevention, and treatment in Henan province and throughout China.


Gao Yaojie: Physician, Grandmother, and Whistleblower in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS

The Congressional-Executive Commission on China presents a talk by Dr. Gao Yaojie, who will speak on her work in HIV/AIDs education, prevention, and treatment in China's Henan province.


Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 628, Washington, DC
Website: http://www.cecc.gov/index.php

Senator Byron Dorgan, Chairman and Representative Sander Levin, Cochairman of the The Congressional-Executive Commission on China invite you to a roundtable discussion on "Gao Yaojie: Physician, Grandmother, and Whistleblower in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS"

: Thursday, December 3, 2009

Time: 10 to 11:30 a.m.

At this CECC Roundtable, award-winning HIV/AIDS activist Dr. Gao Yaojie will give a first-hand account of her work in HIV/AIDS education, prevention, and treatment in Henan province, the epicenter of the 1990s HIV/AIDS epidemic in China. Dr. Gao has faced continual harassment for her work and has fled to the United States where she is seeking refuge. Have conditions improved for people living with HIV/AIDS in rural China since the 1990s blood scandal in Henan province? What role are the central and local governments playing in HIV/AIDS education, prevention, and treatment? What challenges do public health activists continue to face today?

CECC Roundtables are open to the public and no reservation is required.

  1. cheveu们咋看高耀洁去美国避难这个问题?(页1) - IT业界新闻与评论 ...

    3 个帖子 - 3 个作者
    bbs.chinaunix.net/archiver/?tid-1618537.html - 4小时前 -
  2. cheveu们咋看高耀洁去美国避难这个问题? - IT业界新闻与评论 ...

    3 个帖子 - 3 个作者
    cheveu们咋看高耀洁去美国避难这个问题? - IT业界新闻与评论- ChinaUnix.netIT业界新闻与评论Linux,Freebsd,Solaris,Sco,HP-UX,IBM-AIX,cisco,oracle ...
    bbs.chinaunix.net/viewthread.php?tid=1618537 - 1小时前 -
  3. Xizhi Zhu: 一个很难相信的事实,高耀洁去美国避难

    一个很难相信的事实,高耀洁去美国避难高耀洁女士有着“中国的特蕾莎女士”、“中国民间防艾第一人”等称号,对国内艾滋病现状做了很多调查,也揭露过不少地方上对 ...
    xizhizhu.blogspot.com/2009/11/blog-post_24.html - 5小时前 -
  4. 玩聚RT | 锐推标签"高耀洁" | Beta

    标记为"高耀洁" 标签的精彩锐推. 12. rtwt · RT @Fenng RT @simaziyu: 有消息说,高耀洁申请政治避难。未经证实,如果是真的,那是一个国家的悲哀。 最早发布于4小时前 ...
    rt.ju690.com/tags/高耀洁 - 5小时前 -
  5. 高耀洁申请政治避难的说法,是否与其今年11月在香港重新编辑再版《血灾 ...

    friendfeed.com/zhengyun/690d929d/11-10000 - 4小时前 -
  6. 腿叔(kcome) on Twitter

    这次如果真的申请政治避难,我不知道是不是有什么新情况。 ... RT @mranti: 从美国政府消息渠道证实,中国著名艾滋维权者高耀洁医师已经在美申请政治避难...
    twitter.com/kcome - 类似结果 -
  7. Twitter / Fenng: RT @simaziyu: 有消息说,高耀洁申请政治...

    RT @simaziyu: 有消息说,高耀洁申请政治避难。未经证实,如果是真的,那是一个国家的悲哀。 ... RT @simaziyu: 有消息说,高耀洁申请政治避难。未经证实,如果是真的, ...
    twitter.com/Fenng/status/6009803837 - 8小时前 -
  8. 高耀洁教授「世界爱滋病日」在华盛顿和记者见面会新闻稿| 自曲新闻Free ...

    2009年11月24日 ... RT @isaac RT @mranti: 这篇新闻稿中提到,高耀洁教授“只有选择离开中国”,但没有说清楚高医师是否已经申请政治避难http://is.gd/52HYg 1 hr ago ...
    freemorenews.com/.../professor-gao-yaojie-world-aids-day-in-washington-will-face-the-press-release/ - 5小时前 -
  9. Twitter Trackbacks for 高耀洁 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ...

     - [ 翻译此页 ]
    RT @zhengyun: RT @amoiist: RT @liudimouse: 英文刊物有报道,高耀洁已在美申请政治避难 //保重 http://is.gd/52DO2. retweet 18 minutes ago ...
    topsy.com/tb/zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/高耀洁?contains... - 8小时前 -


[日期:2009-11-25] http://www.canyu.org/n10910c13.aspx来源:美国国会中国事务委员会  作者:美国国会中国事务委员会 [字体: ]



参议员Byron Dorgan,美国国会中国事务委员会主席、众议员Sander Levin邀您参加如下研讨会:




    在此次研讨会上,获奖的艾滋病活动家高耀洁医生将就河南省这个中国上世纪九十年代艾滋病传染源地区的艾滋病教育、预防和治疗工作情况作第一手报告。高医生 因为这项工作长期受到骚扰,现逃至美国申请庇护。河南省在上世纪九十年代遭遇血灾后艾滋病携带者的生活条件是否得到改善?中央及地方政府在艾滋病的教育、 预防和治疗上发挥了什么作用?公共卫生活动家们今天仍然面临什么挑战?








Senator Byron Dorgan, Chairman and Representative Sander Levin, Cochairman of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China
invite you to a roundtable discussion on

“Gao Yaojie: Physician, Grandmother, and Whistleblower in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS”

Thursday, December 3, 2009

10 to 11:30 a.m.

Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 628


At this CECC Roundtable, award-winning HIV/AIDS activist Dr. Gao Yaojie will give a first-hand account of her work in HIV/AIDS education, prevention, and treatment in Henan province, the epicenter of the 1990s HIV/AIDS epidemic in China. Dr. Gao has faced continual harassment for her work and has fled to the United States where she is seeking refuge. Have conditions improved for people living with HIV/AIDS in rural China since the 1990s blood scandal in Henan province? What role are the central and local governments playing in HIV/AIDS education, prevention, and treatment? What challenges do public health activists continue to face today?


CECC Roundtables are open to the public and no reservation is required.

See Section II—Public Health in the Commission's 2009 Annual Report for more information on HIV/AIDS in China.

Visit www.cecc.gov for analysis of recent developments and other resources related to the development of the rule of law and human rights in China.


[日期:2009-11-24] 来源:開放出版社/对华援助协会新闻稿  作者:金钟 [字体: ]


Jenny McCloy 202-213-0506 Ann
Kahler 267-210-8278(English)
美国华盛顿全国新闻俱乐部BLOOMBERG 室
中 國愛滋病,從1984年被發現以來,九十年代已有成千上萬人受到感染。聯合國秘書長安南幾年前指出,中國已處於愛滋病疫情爆發的臨界點,我們沒有時間猶豫 了。高耀潔醫師就是中國投身於防治愛滋病流行的著名人士。她以老弱之軀深入河南和全国許多鄉村調查愛滋病真相,宣傳並協助患者、感染者及孤兒擺脫困境,感 動全中國和國際社會,被稱為中國的德蘭修女,榮獲國內外多項獎勵,2007年國際天文聯會將一小行星以「高耀潔」命名。

但是,高醫師忘 我的工作,十多年一直受到中國當局的打壓,電話電腦被監控、個人行動被跟蹤,甚至軟禁,媒體封殺,社會惡勢力的誣衊、騷擾以至于亲属受到株连。在2006 年老伴過世後,她更處於孤立無援境地,個人安全失去保障。她只有選擇離開中國。不久前,在对华援助协会的協助下,高醫師帶著她關於中國愛滋病真相的書稿, 秘密的來到美國。

高醫師這本《血災﹕10000封信》,2004年在北京初版,評價極高,獲得當年全國「圖書大獎」,但由於真實揭露中 國愛滋病災難的官方責任,批評造成愛滋病病毒泛濫的「血漿經濟」而發行受阻。這本被壓制五年的著作,補充修改許多新的內容后,在高醫師抵達美國後,于 2009年8月交給香港開放出版社,由本社在保密條件下編輯出版,已在香港發行上市。

開放出版社 对华援助协会

“China’s Mother Teresa Exposes HIV/AIDS Epidemic to the World on AIDS Day”

People - Dr. Gao Yaojie

Press Conference with Dr. Gao Yaojie,
Author of China’s AIDS Plague: 10,000 Letters
December 1, 2009
9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Hosted by Open Books and ChinaAid
Bloomberg Room, National Press Club

Dr. Gao Yaojie's book China's AIDS Plague: 10,000 Letters was first published in Beijing in 2004 to great acclaim—but the book’s revelations on government complicity in the crisis, and its criticisms of the "blood plasma market" that spread the disease, led to its distribution being suppressed. Five years later, Dr. Gao has updated her book with brand new documents and photos. Edited under highly confidential conditions, the book was published by Hong Kong’s Open Books in November. Dr. Gao Yaojie has chosen World AIDS Day, December 1, 2009, to introduce her book, and address the current condition of the AIDS crisis in China.

China discovered its first HIV/AIDS case in 1984. Dr. Gao Yaojie, formerly a professor at the Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and one of China's foremost AIDS experts, undertook a mission to gain a deeper understanding of the situation in rural Henan and hundreds of villages throughout China. Her efforts to publicize and relieve the human cost of the disease and the hardships of the orphans left behind moved the conscience of Chinese society and the international community—earning her the nickname “China’s Mother Theresa, ” and numerous humanitarian awards.

Dr. Gao Yaojie has endured limitations on her personal freedom, monitoring of her communications, media assassination and defamation, and harassment of herself and her family members. Following the death of her husband in 2006, Dr. Gao became even more isolated and marginalized, and her personal safety was compromised. With the combined efforts of ChinaAid and U.S. Government officials, Dr. Gao recently left China in secret, bringing with her the truth behind China's AIDS crisis.

Honored Speakers:

Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA, 7th), Chairman, U.S. Congr. Task Force on International HIV/AIDS
Tu Chong, Founder and President, Hong Kong Chi Heng Foundation
Wang Shuping, veteran Chinese AIDS advocate

Organizers: Jin Zhong, Chief Editor, OPEN Books and OPEN Magazine
Bob Fu, President of ChinaAid

Click here to view and print PDFfor Dr. Gao Yaojie's Press Conference.

For more information or to RSVP for the press conference, contact the following:

For Chinese media (Open Books): Jin Zhong, 347-820-4858.

For English media (ChinaAid): Jenny McCloy, 202-213-0506, Jenny@ChinaAid.org, or

Annee Kahler, 267-210-8278, Annee@ChinaAid.org.
This message was sent by: China Aid Association, Inc., PO Box 8513, Midland, TX 79708
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★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum: http://www.AIDSmuseum.cn
——艾博维客 AIDS Wiki : http://www.AIDSwiki.cn
——中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:http://www.AIDSmaps.org
——艾滋人权 AIDS Rights:  http://www.AIDSrights.net

