
【China AIDS:4893】 Legislating for Women’s Rights in the Context of HIV/AIDS

Respect, Protect and Fulfill:
Legislating for Women's Rights in the Context of HIV/AIDS

Entrenched gender discrimination, sexual and domestic violence and poverty increase women's vulnerability to HIV infection and worsen the impact of the disease on women and their families. In many settings, responding effectively to the epidemic requires legal reform to guarantee women's equality, to prevent and provide redress for abuse, and to enhance women's economic, sexual and reproductive autonomy.

This legislative resource draws together international human rights law and illustrative examples from various jurisdictions as the basis for developing a legal framework to respect, protect and fulfill women's rights in the context of HIV/AIDS. It is intended as a tool to assist human rights advocates and policy-makers as they reform or develop laws to meet the legal challenges posed by the HIV epidemic. It is not intended for any one country. Rather, it is designed to be adaptable to the needs of various countries within sub-Saharan Africa and beyond.

Respect, Protect and Fulfill consists of eight modules, published in two volumes. Each volume, as well as each individual module, is available as a PDF download.

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----中国艾滋病地图/China AIDS Map:http://www.AIDSmaps.org
----艾滋人权 AIDS Rights:  http://www.AIDSrights.net

