
【China AIDS:4338】 亚洲调查: NGO的责任

访客评论: Shiwei Ye

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Shiwei Ye曾经是亚洲促进会的网站研究协理。目前,他正在泰国一家推进人口与发展政策的国会组织担任编辑和项目助理。

Although financial resources and staff/management competence and commitment are crucial to the success of an NGO, its fundamental strength derives from its credibility and legitimacy. To be credible and legitimate, NGOs that work to promote public good must respect and uphold the same high standards it demands of others. In other words, independence, non-discrimination, transparency and accountability must be their guiding principles in all areas of operations, both internally and externally. Failure by one NGO to do so endangers not only itself but erodes trust in civil society in general, not to mention the ammunition such a failure could give to opponents of civic activism.

Public Trust and Accountability

A previous commentator talked about the lack of public trust and public skepticism of NGOs in some countries where civil society is still young and the democratic space remains limited, but this challenge also exists in countries where civil society has established a strong footing. Public trust is not a given but must be gained, strengthened and sustained over time. To do so, NGOs must be held accountable for their action.

An NGO is accountable first and foremost to the people whose welfare it seeks to promote and by extension the general public. It is also accountable to its own staff and volunteers, donors, the targets of its advocacy, the media, and its fellow NGO partners. Accountability to such a diverse group of stakeholders is certainly not easy, but a firm commitment to the guiding principles I just mentioned is indispensable. The concept of "public interests" is over-arching and in its defense NGOs may very well come into conflict with each other. NGOs must be ready and capable of managing such tension without compromising its own mission or undermining the work of others.

Furthermore, NGOs must be non-discriminatory in all its activities, advocacy and internal governance and hiring practices. The mission and management processes must be clear and well-defined, with honest and effective decision-making and reporting mechanisms. In particular, an NGO's advocacy must be consistent with its mission and must observe ethical guidelines to ensure its impact truly advances public interests.

Financial Management

It is imperative that an NGO also accurately inform donors of its mission and how their donations are being used. It must also publish and disseminate to the public information about the sources of its financial support and fundraising activities. NGOs must not accept or solicit financial support in any forms if they have sufficient reason to believe doing so would compromise their independence and impartiality. Management and staff must adhere to the highest standard of financial control, regular reporting and independent audits, with mutual accountability processes built in both internally and externally.


Finally, accountability means not only honesty and openness, but also effectiveness in achieving desired results and goals. NGOs must show donors and supporters that their contribution is making a positive difference in social welfare. Therefore, monitoring and evaluation should be an institutionalized and integral part of programming to ensure effective implementation and desired outcomes. There should be multiple evaluation and feedback processes among board members, management, staff and volunteers to ensure constructive criticism is encouraged, digested and acted on. 

Shiwei Ye is a former website research coordinator for Asia Catalyst.  He is currently working in Thailand as editor and programme associate for an inter-parliamentary organization that advocates for better policy on population and development. 

Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst

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★中国艾滋病博物馆/China AIDS Museum      http://www.aidsmuseum.cn
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